Chapter 3 life sucks sometimes

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There was a little girl and her name was seven, that girl was me any way I was only 12 years old and I was lonely, unwanted, unloved. Not even the people bothered to look at me,

I want... I need to be heard.

Somehow, i would try to talk to people on one day and the next i tried to talk to people one day two i tried again it didn't work on day three i tried to make a new plan i was going to sing a song for the town in the town hall.

Day 4 i practised my singing on day 5 i practised again on day 6 it rained. So I couldn't go so i was going to tomorrow.

The next morning i woke up went and got something to eat then after i went to the town hall and i stood up on the fountain and started to sing and some people started to walk away so i sang louder and some people started to look at me.

The next day was march the first i woke up and

said to myself I am going to go fishing. So as

i thought i knew my way to the water i went through a field and i walked for 3 hours now i hade grown so.

Hungary i don't think I can feel my feet i said at all ways takes her blanket every where im going so i sat down for a little bit OUCH!!...I sat on a rock so i threw the rock as far as i could but i threw it up OUCH! my head.

So as i lay down looking at the stars im thinking where is my family why aren't they here with me with big salty tears running down my face as i went to sleep she was think in of her mum and dad and if i had a brother or a sister

Chapter 2

the dream

As i fell a sleep i saw two big lights coming my way i opened my eyes picked up my blanket and ran as fast as i could and finally i'm at the river i could feel my dark brown hair flowing threw the wind.


i said to her self panting I have never been that scared in my life taking one more big deep breath i seen her mom walking down the sidewalk mommy! mommy! i cryed so happily.

I ran so happily to her mommy i was going for a hug i hugged her mum but her mom was just a vision mommy i cried i had to get out of there.

I started running by she tripped and fell ouch my leg OUCH! MY HEAD... again. Now I have more pains urgh. any way I'm going to go get some food from the back of this restaurant from the back of joeys.

"Grr there's no food back here... Oh well. I'll just go back to the river and get something."

As i went to the river i was walking.

When all of a sudden i heard screams from the accident. When her house was burning down i could hear her mothers cry's for help i started to cry and her long brown hair was getting all in her.

face the wind was cold on her lips. I couldn't walk by without crying so I decided to start walking away from the spot of the accident and to never look back or come back to this place again...

"Honk honk" I hear as i wake up

chapter 3

life sucks

I woke yup to a truck "honk honk"

hey are you okay a guy asked me I said ya I am fine why? he replied I am working for a girls home for girls who don't have a home wow I said the next thing you know I blacked out is she ok ya I heard slowly opening my.

eyes a flash of light in my face wow I am worm and in a real bed i don't have my blanket with me mom dad is that you no honey the lady said to me I replied with oh with tears running down my face awe honey it will be ok every thing will be ok.

I replied ok just go back to sleep the nice lady said.ok I said to her so I fell back to sleep the next morning I woke up

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