First Day!

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Dottie POV

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous.....

Okay I'm freaking out in the corner and vigorously brushing my tail

First day in a completely new state, school and pretty much life. How am I supposed to handle this? It's sophomore year too so everyone will already have friends and that will leave no one for me! Plus, it's mixed, Iv always been to schools with all wear wolves. No humans, meif'wa or anything. I'm kind of glad though. Wear wolf schools have no windows, because of obvious reasons, but it makes the building seem so...prison like? I can't really describe it, but it just has a bad atmosphere. Anyway enough thinking, I have to get ready!
~time skip to walking to school~
I was on my way to school. Sort of sprint walking with a piece of toast in my mouth. (clichè ik ik sorry not sorry) Ugh I'm not late but I'm still on edge... what if they wanted us there early? No, that wouldn't be the case. Hmmm... I wonder i-
I bumped into someone and my toast fell out of my mouth. I look up to see three meif'wa girls looking down at me with disgust.
"Ugh you ruined my hair by getting your fur in it. Try to at least use that snooter of yours before you go ruining other people's day." Said the tall meif'wa in the middle.
"Oh my Irene I'm so sorry! My snooter is actually a little off...well a lot off.. it's kind of almost as if I just have a normal human nose... b-but anyway! I can make it up to you if you need me to!"
"Ugh why would I want your help."
"I was just trying to-"
I ran towards the school breathing heavily. Don't you dare cry. Don't do it. I held in my tears and moved on with my day. It was just a little bump in the road. The school said I would receive a mentor once I checked in for the school year so maybe I'll at least make one friend.
I checked in while other students just walked around the school waiting for first bell. I saw the lady at the front desk call someone informing them I was present.
"Your new mentor will arrive shortly, I know this is a big step but just keep calm." She informed me.
I took a little offense from that. Maybe she was saying that because I'm potentially dangerous? Or something? Maybe I'm just skeptical from the incident this morning.
I saw a student walk in with a golden sash around her tall frame. She had blonde hair that was in a long fishtail braid that rested on her shoulder. Her pale skin was accompanied with pale green eyes. She also had dimples which I found interesting.
I caught the eyes of two guys chatting and leaning against the locker. Both were wear wolves but one had green hair and blue eyes and the other had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Well then let's get going!" said the blonde.

Daniel POV
I saw a wear wolf girl with periwinkle hair and purple fur with blue eyes walk into the school.
"Is she new?" I asked my best friend Rylan.
"I guess so... do you think she's cute or something?"
"Ewwww no! Girls have cooties!"
"Same old Daniel..."

Dottie POV

I later learned that the girl's name was Trisha and that if I needed any questions just ask her. She was nice, but she kind of made me feel like she was babysitting me which I did not enjoy. I guess it's better than being an omega though.  I was getting stuff out of my locker quickly to make sure I wasn't late for class. When I turned around after closing the locker I saw someone who stood out a lot to me.  He had fire red hair and two different colored eyes. He was also a wear wolf with black fur. In all honesty, he was gorgeous.
I guess he caught me staring because next thing I know he's waving at me and I'm waving back! I start blushing and head to the fire hydrant.
While washing my hands I hear someone say,
"Is that the weird wear wolf girl Trish told us about?"
"I think so, she matches the description perfectly."
"Great, the last thing we need is more wear wolves in this school."
I couldn't listen to the rest of their conversation. I was about to cry yet again on my first day.
Thankfully I didn't cry. Crying just makes me look weaker than I already am.  Classes were average. No one special, but I did notice that those guys I saw before school were in all my classes. Maybe I could be friends with them? No, they wouldn't want someone like me with them.
As I was walking home I noticed a noticeably sketchy figure watching me as I walked out of school grounds. Probably just trying to figure out who I am or something. I thought.
And with that I went home.

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