The Sleepover

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Long chapter just a heads up

Dottie POV

I grabbed my bag full of stuff and put on brown uggs. I was wearing a cyan tank top and gray sweatpants. My hair was also down to cover my neck.
"Bye mom see you tomorrow!"
"Bye honey have fun! Don't kiss any boys!" She yelled
I giggled a started to walk towards Alpha's house. We lived in the same neighborhood which I found really cool.
Maybe I will make friends. That would be great.

~Time Skip~

I had arrived at alpha's house. I rang the doorbell and waited. I saw the door open quickly and saw the short lil Latina smiling as she hugged me.
"I'm glad you came Dottie!"
"I'm glad you invited me but, I've never been to a sleepover before so can you teach me as the night goes on?"
"I'd be glad to! Follow me, I want to show my mom your wounds, she's a doctor and I want to help you." Alpha Offered.
"Oh, that's really nice of you and your mom."
"That's why I had you come an hour earlier than everyone else."
I followed aphmau to her living room where her mom was.
"Ah you must be Dottie! I'm Aphmau's mom but you can call me Sylvana!"
"Hello Sylvana!"
"Can you show me your wounds? Please?"
I lifted up my shirt and she gasped, then nodded.
"I have bandages specifically for scratches, wait here please" she said as she pointed to the couch. I lay on the the couch, my stomach still showing.
Sylvana came back with some bandages.
She wrapped them around my scratches and told me to just relax.
Me and alpha were chatting about sleepovers when I heard the doorbell ring.
"Ah that must be the others! I think you'll like them!" Alpha predicted.
I heard greetings come from the hallway. I pulled my shirt back down right before they entered the room.
"And this is Dottie!"Alpha introduced me.
"H-hi!" I said nervous not seeing who it is yet.
"Dottie this is Rylan, that's Daniel, and he's Blaze!"
"Isn't she the omega?" Said Rylan.
I blushed and frowned at the fact that they recognized me as the omega.
"Yes, but she's been through a lot so please welcome her." Alpha said with a save.
I'm happy Blaze is here, I don't have a crush on him but having both of the alphas in one room makes me feel safe.
"I'm sure Rylan didn't mean to hurt your feelings Dottie." Said Blaze.
"I think you're really cool Dottie!" Daniel said with genuine appreciation.
"See, before you came Daniel was voted omega by the wear wolves (not the alphas)and transfer wear wolves are automatically omegas because they are seen as different. So you kind of saved Daniel in a way." Explained Rylan.
That made me feel a lot stronger actually.
"You haven't been harmed yet, have you?"
"N- n-no" I said as Alpha looked at me confused at why I wouldn't tell them.
Blaze still looked at me, skeptical.
"Heh is it hot in here or what? Here I'll open I window." I giggled nervously and opened the window.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Alpha insisted.
We all headed up to alpha's room to play truth or dare. We sat in a circle shape on the floor.
"Ok let's start! Dottie truth or dare." Alpha asked.
"Oooooooo. I dare you to uhhh lemme touch your ears!" She said excitedly.
I giggled and crawled over to her and let her touch my ears.
"Hey that tickles hahahah!" I said.
"I wanna touch them too!" Said Daniel
"Yeah me too! They look soft." Rylan exclaimed.
"Count me in!" Said Blaze.
I went around the circle letting the guys touch me ears. Laughing each time. Blaze took a particularly long time though. Inspecting my ears more than feeling them. He found a scratch from Tavein on one of them. I bit my lip as he touched it.  He saw this and immediately let go. I crawled back to my spot. Giggling as if nothing happened. We kept playing until we heard the doorbell.
"Pizza!" Daniel yelled.
"Pizza sounds soooo good." I said.
We all bolted to the kitchen to get some delicious pizza.

~Time Skip~

We had all finished our pizza and took our stuff down to alpha's basement.  We set our sleeping bags in a row and picked out a scary movie to watch.
As the movie played on, a jump scare soon met the screen. I jumped and covered my ears. No one notices except blaze. He looked at me with a concerned look and pulled me closer to him. Soon enough, we were cuddling. I had my head against his chest and I could here his heart beating which was calming. This was new to me. Blaze had always been like an older brother to me but now he seemed so... intriguing. I blushed and hoped no one was looking.
"Don't worry, ill protect you." He whispered in my ear.
There's one person you can't protect me from. I thought.
Before I knew it, the movie was over. Me and Blaze shuffled back to our original positions. After that is was lights out. I was so tired I, fell asleep immediately.

Dottie's Dream

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Tavein walked towards me. I froze in my steps and just watched him come closer and start scratching me repeatedly. I screamed in pain as he clawed my ears, picked my up by them and threw me into the wall of lockers. I still couldn't move. He dragged me by my tail and stepped on me. He pulled my hair which made scream in agonizing pain I yelled, "TAVEIN PLEASE! STOP! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE!"

Wakes upppppp

I wake up while panting. It's still the middle of the night. I hope I didn't say that out loud. I went to the bathroom to take off my uncomfortable bandages.

Blaze POV

I woke up to the sound of someone saying something along the lines of stop and don't hurt me. I open one eye to see Dottie wake up in a panic. I'm really worried about her, she has a really nasty scratch on her ear and I saw what looked like hickeys? On her neck. I watch her head to the bathroom a start lifting up her shirt. Ah! I shouldn't look. Ugh but I'm so worried. I squint my eye and feel blush start to come to my face. Phew. She only lifted it up enough to see her stomach... which is covered with bandages. Ugh I knew she was hiding something. I watched her take them off and pull her shirt back down. I couldn't see her stomach from my angle. She pulls her hair back and looks at her neck covered in hickeys. I walk into the bathroom without her noticing. I walk behind her and ask.
"Who gave you those?" With a straight face.
"Gah! Alpha you scared me." She giggled while I just stare at her intensely.

Dottie POV

Blaze kept staring into my soul, occasionally scanning my neck.
"Let me ask again. Who gave you those?" He questioned sternly.
"I um uhhhh a s-sq-squirrel! Yeah that's it!"
He just stared at me.
I sighed "one of the wear wolves gave them to me..."
"Did you want them?"
"Show me your stomach"
He just stared at me again. Dang it. I feel so helpless. I lift up my shirt so he can see my wounds. I watched as his eyes widen at the sight. I watch him grow angry.
"Shhh! You're going to wake them up!" I whisper.
"Dottie I want to know who hurt you."
"It's not important...."
"Fine. I'll give you two options. Number one, you tell me who hurt you, or number two, you sleep in my sleeping bag tonight."
"Just choose"
"I guess I'll sleep in your sleeping bag....."
And after that he gave me a really big hug. And long too. I noticed how he ran his hands up and down my body multiple times.
I crawled into his sleeping and he crawled into mine. I fell asleep before him, his sleeping bag was really soft.

Blaze POV

If Dottie won't tell me who hurt her then I'm just going to have to make her mine. I'm going to have to mark her. She's already sleeping in my sleeping bag and I already hugged her, but that's just a start. I walked over to her bag and checked the inside.
Clothes, clothes, clothes, underwear. Oops. My face turned crimson red as I continued searching. brush! I hid her hair brush under one of aphs love sacks.
I put away the clothes I got out of her bag. Cute. I thought as I put away the underwear I accidentally came across.
I then walked over to Dottie's sleeping bag and fell asleep.

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