Chapter 1

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{Hello! Thanks for clicking on my book, it's called Good Lil Girl and it's a John Lennon/teddyboy/school fanfic. I hope you like it and help me out with votes and comments about what you think! Thanks!}

"El! Get out of bed you lazy girl!" Jack, my idiotic brother, shouted from downstairs, the sound of his heavy footsteps and clattering plates entering my ears.

I finally managed to keep my eyes open long enough to drag the yellow plaid bedsheets off my body as I stumbled out of bed. I ripped open my wardrobe and grabbed a handful of clothes, laying them out softly on my pillow before removing my pyjamas. I hastily pulled my black and white houndstooth skirt on, tucked in my white blouse and slipped my knee-length white socks over my smooth legs. Clambering downstairs in a heap, I grabbed a bagel and quickly buttered it before eating it astonishingly quick. I looked around - Jack must've left already. I ran back upstairs and brushed my teeth, dragged a comb through my mane of hair and sighed.

Staring at my appearance in the mirror I hurriedly splashed the cool water from the tap onto my ill complexion to make myself look even the slightest bit better. I felt sick, and I looked sick. Letting my eyes wander, I noticed my mother's makeup bag protruding from the cabinet shelf. I snatched her powder and brush and gave my face a little dab, just enough so that I masked the fact that I was probably as white as the bed sheets I had been sleeping on earlier. I quickly braided my hair into two plaits and let my fringe fall into it's typical middle parting curtain style.

I took a peek at the clock hanging on the wall in the hallway - it was already 7:30am. Class started at 8 and I definitely did not want to be late. Education was a drag; especially when you were starting a new school.

My parents had recently moved town, to a part of liverpool I hadn't seen before; my dad had received a promotion for a new job and he was constantly out of the house, and my mother was probably busying herself with shopping or at her friends house or something of the sort. I was used to being home alone, and even in the new house that I had been thrust into two days ago it didn't feel too strange.

Grabbing my button down coat and school bag, I slid my feet into my tasselled loafers and ran quickly out of the door to make my way to my new school. Yippee.

Heaving the old wooden door open and stepping inside, I gazed down the empty corridors. The smell of stale bubblegum and cigarettes hung in the air and I begun to wonder where everyone was. I checked the time - 8:12am.

In a hurry I rummaged through my satchel to find the time table the school had sent me yesterday and found that I was in room twenty two for period one. I quickly ran down the corridor, the scratched floor squeaking below my rubber soles, until I found room twenty. I took a few more steps and around the corridor there was a dark blue door labelled '22'.

Turning the brass door handle and stepping inside, I swallowed as two dozen eyes stared back at me with piercing gazes. I turned to see the teacher standing at the front of the room; she wore a tweed suit, polished black shoes and hair tied in a very tight bun secured with several coats of hair spray.

"Well then, decided to turn up have we?" She asked in a monotone voice, positioning her pale hand on her hip.

"Sorry I'm late miss." I replied, biting my lip. Surely she wasn't going to attack me on my first day?

"Since you are new here I will let it slip but if I catch you arriving late to class again... Elouise is it? Elouise. If you are late again you will have a detention. We do not tolerate bad behaviour. Now please, would you sit down in an empty space?"

Geez. I was already ruining my good student image with an instant lack of punctuality.

Peering around the classroom I noticed that there were no empty seats. Where on earth was I supposed to sit? I screwed my eyes up to see the row at the back; there was an empty seat next to some lad in all leather. I scanned his face to find a cheeky grin, greased up hair and chocolate brown eyes. He seemed cute, at least he was smiling, and I just hoped he wouldn't talk to me as I made my way towards him and sat down in the seat to his left.

"Aw man, why'd you have sit next to me, yer little freak!" He groaned loudly enough for a few students to hear and snigger.
"...You're lovely." I replied quietly and shoved my bag under the desk.
He smirked. "Ooh, fiesty one I've got 'ere." He muttered so that the teacher couldn't hear to some of the boys who were sitting on a nearby desk. They chuckled. I slid my back further down the seat, already wishing that I was back home and not having to make any social interaction.

After five minutes, the boy began blatantly staring at me.
"What?" I asked bravely and turned to face him.
He raised his eyebrows. "Ooh sorry keep yer knickers on, aint seen yer before so don't I have the right look at yer?"
"I'd rather you not."
He laughed scornfully. "Fine then. Yer look grotty anyway."
I blinked and glanced away, running a hand through my fringe awkwardly. "Well... Well you do too!"
"Dunna lie sweetie, ya know I'm irresistable."
I chuckled. "Really?"
"Oh shut up, look at yerself. Tryin' backchat me while you're sitting there in ya pretty lil skirt and your neatly plaited hair. Little prissy pants." He spat, looking me up and down with a disgusted look on his face.
I blinked. "I-I'm sorry..."
"You will be in a minute. I didn't ask for you to sit next to me and yet yer park your arse right 'ere, where you're not wanted. Ask about me. The name's Lennon. I've got a reputation, lil girl, and I don't think you'll wanna get on the wrong side'a me."
I gulped, my heart racing rather fast as I tried my best to hold eye contact. I couldn't. His piercing gaze caused me to quickly snap my attention the other way, towards the teacher, praying that this horrible boy wouldn't speak to me again.
"I'm still talking to you." He said in a threatening tone as he bought his hand down onto the table right in front of me. "Well go on then. What's ya name?"
My eyes darted to him in alarm. "Elouise."
He rolled his eyes and leaned back on his chair, now looking straight ahead. "Elouise. Dumb lil girl."

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