Day 22: In Battle Side by Side

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Guess who's starting this back up again

Yeah I'm really sorry guys-

"Back away from the body, Cannibal"

Red stopped mid bite and hesitated before finishing his bite and stood up. The bloody heart in his bloody hand with a bite mark in it.

"Drop the heart" the voice instructed as he chuckled darkly.

"I have to eat don't I?" He responded getting a quick glance to the side to see a man pointing a pistol straight at him.

"You have no right to eat the remains of my gang" he responded coldly, gripping the gun harder.

"And by gang you mean my two meals? Right?"

"Shut up before I shoot you!" The man shouted at Red angrily as he stepped closer toward the red head standing over a cut open body in the middle of an alley behind a club.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you" Red warned as the man came closer toward him till he was only a few feet away and then he stopped.

"You have no control over me" he snapped as Red smirked.

"So what are you going to do to me, smart guy?" Red mocked turned toward the man who held the gun out in front of him, Red started to get closer to the man.

"You want to know why I did this? It wasn't just because I was hungry, but you tried to kidnap my boyfriend just to get to me!" Red growled slowly approaching the man.

"You know what happens when you mess with the one I love? Do ya want to know?" Red asked with a laugh at the end as he just thought of what kind of pain he could put the man threw .

"Shut up before I shoot you!" The man yelled, loading his gun and pointing it at Reds head as it hit his forehead.

The mans finger was about to move to the trigger when all of a sudden he started chocking and gagging.

Red calmed down from his break down as he looked at the man, confused on why he was choking.

Suddenly the man spat out blood as Red then realize the knife lodged in the beginning of his neck and the it retreated and Red moved aside. Watching as the body of the man fell life less to the floor.

Slowly turning he found a fimiliar figure standing behind were the man was, bloody knife in hand as and a shocked yet fearful expression on there face, realization spread threw there eyes like a wildfire.

"R-Red......." Nick croaked as the knife clattered to the ground and Nicks knees wobbled.

"Princess....." Red whispered, rushing to his side and taking him in his arms. Nicks arms wrapped around Red torso as he sobbing uncontrollably in Reds chest. Red had a tight arm around his waist and his hand occupied in Nicks hair as he rubbed the boys back of his head trying to relax him.

"Shhh, Shhh" Red soothed, bending down and kissing the top of Nicks hair since his face was buried deep in the dry part of Reds blood splattered shirt.

Well not so dry now since it was wet by Nicks tears.

Red then softly started to whisper sweet things in Nicks ear as Nick began to calm down a bit.

Red kept whispering in his ear until Nick had stopped sobbing and a few whimpers escaped his sore dry throat.

"I w-want to g-go home..." he chocked out as Red nodded.

"Let's go home"

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