Day 24: Making Up Afterwards

341 8 5

Sorry for cussing


Red you fucked up

Like REALLY fucked up my dood

Silent sobs were heard in the bathroom as Red softly knocked on the door.


"G-Go awa-y" he stuttered out in a whisper as Red sighed.

"I know I fucked up Princess, I love you so much I hope you know that. I should have admitted it was stupid of me, hell it was even more fucked up that I let you get that worried over my health and safety, I love you Nicky..... I'll be... downstairs to comfort you when you need it, I'll leave you be"

Nick heard his retreating footsteps as Nick stopped himself from screaming for him to come back.

As much as Nick hated to admit he was a bit to clingy and a crybaby, a lot of times he felt to needy and lately at night he would suddenly feel guilt, it was random, he just felt it and he didn't know why.

He wanted to tell Red, really he did. But he would always think about it as he was just wanting attention.

Clutching his knees tightly in his chest, Nick placed his head in between as he rested there for a moment before getting himself to a point where he was strong enough to hold his tears in.

Hands shaking, Nick rewatched out his arms to the handle and slowly turned it, stepping out of the bathroom, he tracked down the stairs with his head down.

Red was sitting on a chair in the dinning room, his poster was slouched as he took a sip of blood from his wine glass and set it down.

Nick just stood there as he took out his phone to text someone before putting his arms to the side and watching Reds phone as it went off and buzzed.

Red looked at his phone and saw someone text him as he opened up his phone and checked the message.

🍕Nick🍕 Hi

Red blinked and looked at Nick who was staring at him blankly with tears running down his face, Red frowned and typed back a response.

🌹Red🌹 You wanna cuddle Princess?

Nick cracked a smile on his tear stained face before typing back.

🍕Nick🍕 and a kiss would be great too ;3

Red chuckled and typed back his response.

🌹Red🌹Anything for you Princess ❤️❤️❤️ Bed or Couch?

Nick smiled cheekily.

🍕Nick🍕 Bed, I'm tiered ;>

🌹Red🌹 I'll be right up ;)

Nick giggled as he ran up the stairs and opened the door to there room and started to strip off his clothes,

He took off his boxers and changed them into some new boxers and grabbed his shirt before he felt someone wrap there arms around his waist.

"Reeeeddddd!" Nick whined as Red chuckled and buried his face into Nicks neck.

"I'm so glad we made up~" he whispered in Nicks ear as he blushed and pushed Red away and threw his white loose t shirt on and sat on the bed as Red chuckled and started to take off his clothes as Nick closed his eyes and Red threw on some grey sweatpants and no shirt before going over to the door and shutting it.

He then moved over and sat next to Nick, who uncovered his eyes and sat on Reds lap.

"How about I make it up to you and..... I don't know...." he said innocently shrugging and looking around before looking at Red and smirking.

"Have some fun~?" He whispered in Reds ear as he chuckled and grabbed his waist as Nick rocked gently and cupped Reds cheeks.

"I would like that princess~"

Nick smiled and placed his lips onto Reds as they started making out.

I'll let you all image what happened next ;}

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