Day 25: Gazing Into Eachothers Eyes

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"Your staring at him again"

Nick jumped as Preston chuckled and looked at his friend from across the lunch table.

"Just go and talk to him already!" Preston whined slightly annoyed that his friend was too shy to talk to the most popular guy in school that was a quarter back in football.


Nick sighed and looked at Preston.

"I can't, all the girls are swooning over him and his group" Nick said irritated as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Dude, you've been watching him like a creepy stalker since Freshman year, it's freakin Senior year now man!" Preston exclaimed slamming his hands on the table making Nick jump.

"Ohhhhhhhh he's looking over here" Preston said with a smile as he glanced behind Nick. Nick froze as his face went red.

"W-What do you mean he's looking over here? Why the he'll did you make so much noise, I swear to god Preston if he co-"

"Hey Nick, Preston"

"Heeeeeyyyy Red!" Nick turned and smiled at the crimson haired boy as Preston held in a laugh. Well trying to at least.

Reds blood red eyes met Nicks brown was as they held there place for a minute before Red spoke up.

"S-So um I was wondering if you were free t-tonight?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

"Well actually-"

"He's totally free tonight!"

Nick whipped around and glared at Preston who spoke up smiling at Red.

"G-Great!" Red smiled at Nick who flustered.

"Where should I meet you?" Red asked as Nick felt his words get caught up in his throat.

"Ice cream parlor, 9:00 pm sharp" Preston said as Red looked at Preston.

"I asked N-"

"I know but I'm his parent parkour guardian and since he is speechless as of now, thanks to you, I'm talking for him. Sooooooooo he will see you there lover boy!" Preston shooed him away from the table as Red glanced at Nick who hid his face and shook his head.

"Now what do you say?"

"I hate you so much Preston, my life is ruined!" He cried.

Classic high school drama at I right ladies and gents?

"Oh shush, I love you too no need to thank me" Preston patted his back as Nick let out a groan and hid his red face in his arms on the table........


Nick looked at himself in the mirror at his desk, he was sitting in his chair while Preston played with his hair and Nathan was picking out an outfit.

"Too showy?" Nathan asked showing off a black crop top. Preston looked at him and face palmed.

"Nathan this is a first date not a stripper fest!"

"I know! But what if I added....." Nathan grabbed a black over up and put it on a hanger.

"Ehhhh, Ehhhhh?"

Preston shook his head and face palmed again.

"Keep looking! We'll save that for later but Right now Nick needs something that screams 'Hey I'm Sexy but I'm also really adorable'" Preston clarified as Nathan nodded in understanding and kept digging threw his closet. Nick rolled his eyes.

"Do I have any input in this?" He asked looking up at Preston who scoffed.

"What is this, a 5th grade dance? Yeah no, now keep looking straight forward"


Nick sighed as he walked into the ice cream parlor and sat down. He wore a tight grey long sleeve sweater and blue skinny jeans with his black high tops. Nathan and Preston argued over it and almost made him late for his date.

"Well hello there beautiful~" a voice purred as Nick looked up to see Red.

He had black ripped jeans, a black and red flannel (that was unbuttoned a bit) and some black and white dirty checkered vans. Not to mention his hands were stuffed in his pockets as he moved over and sat across from Nick.

Nick giggled.

"Hai" he said with a smile, trying his bet not to freak out.

"Sorry, my friends dressed me" Nick apologized moving some hair out of his face as Red chuckled.

"I guess you could say mine did too" Red smiled.

Soon later the two began to talk more and learn more about each other. They laughed and agreed on many things before deciding to go back to Reds house.

"I bet you five bucks your friends are going to be at your house" Nick said smiling as Red laughed.

"Well I'll gladly take that bet beautiful~" he purred as Red interwoven there hands.

"And if they aren't there.... hmmmm, I get you as my slave for the hole weekend" Red better as Nick rolled his eyes.

"Your making me want to loose" he joked as Red smiled at him and wiggled his eyes brows while Nick laugh and leaned against his shoulder.

It turned out, Reds friends weren't there.

Red wrapped his arms around Nicks waist and placed his head on his shoulder. Nick chuckled.

"I've heard from your friend that you've had a crush on me since freshman year~" he purred in Nicks eat as Nicks face went red.

"H-He d-did...?" Nick asked shivering a bit as Red chuckled.

"Yep, we share the same Science class"

Nick froze and chuckled nervously as he played with his sweater sleeve.

"W-Well t-then!" Nick said kinda shaking now as Red saw an swept him off his feet making Nick let out a squeak of surprise. Red carried Nick bridal style into what looked like his room since it was mostly red as he sat him down on the bed and Red sat next to him.

"Your lucky you have your friends to rely on" he whispered moving a piece of hair out of Nicks face.

"My siblings would use it against me to do there biding if they found out I had a crush on you"

Nick gave a quiet laugh as Red smiled and ruffled his hair.

Red then pulled Nick down and cuddled him in his arms as there legs tangled and they looked into each other's eyes.

Reds eyes were a shinning red crimson, the color of blood, they looked amazing.

Nicks eyes were brown but they sparkled in the moonlight showing off some hazel flecks hidden within them.

"I love you Princess~" Red whispered breaking eye contact as he pulled Nick to his chest. Nick felt tears of joy as he laid and cuddled next to the boy he had dreamed of for so long........

"I love you to Red"

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