Chapter #1

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*~* CHAPTER #1 *~*

I grabbed my sweater and went into my dressing room. It had been a long night and there had been a big commotion. A man grabbed me and tried to get me to go home with him but when I refused he started to get angry and violent. It was rather scary, more so for the man because I knew something bad would happen but he didnt listen to me. He just kept grabbing me and trying to get me to leave with him.

When Ray, Stevens bodyguard, came toward us, I tried to just walk away to save the man from getting hurt but he still wouldnt let go. Ray grabbed the man and broke his arm, tackled him to the floor and started feeding his fist to the mans mouth. The man tried to at least shield his face from being hit but it didnt matter. I had to get Ray to stop by kneeling in the way of his hit, in turn, getting a dark bruise on my arm. He immediately stopped and threw the man out of the club before apologizing to me and then going back to Steven.

I was getting changed when the door flew open and I saw a very drunk looking Steven at the doorway. He glanced at me and smiled, thinking of all the dirty things he could do to me. He was practically undressing me in his mind, of that Im sure.

"Come see me when youre done. I got a big surprise for you." he slurred slightly.

I sighed. "And by big surprise do you mean your dick because its not really a surprise and its honestly not that big." I told him, knowing it would piss him off.

He chuckled, actually surprising me. I expected a hand across my face at the very least. Instead, he just laughed and left the room. I sat in shock at his reaction. He never lets my witty comments go unpunished unless he has an important guest. Thats it! He has an important guest!

I put my housecoat on and peeked outside the room. There was a man, looking not much older than myself, walking with Ray to one of the tables where Maxx serves. I watched from the doorway, barely able to see what was going on until I noticed the small child in Stevens arms. He brought her over to the table and sat down with my baby girl on his lap, fighting to get away from him.

I gasped and went out to the table and stood in front of Steven with my hands out. "Give me my baby." I ordered.

Steven laughed and practically threw her off of his lap, making her trip and land on her hands and knees. "Yeah, someday that will be for a man. She'll be just like her slutty mama, won't she Aviana?" He spoke, directing his comment toward me.

"Shes a five year old little girl, you sick fucker!" I yelled at him angrily.

I picked up my baby and carried her off toward the dressing room but was stopped by Steven before I got in there. "Aviana, get out here and treat our guest with some entertainment, would you?" He ordered me.

I shook my head and went to go into the room again but this time he grabbed my arm and slammed me into the wall. Brooke ran into the room and hid, watching from inside the room, terrified. I tried to get him off me but he was always way too strong.

Steven smiled at me and put his head to my neck, breathing me in. "You owe me. Now, get up on that stage and dance." He whispered.

My body shook under him so he grabbed my throat and began squeezing as he mashed his lips onto mine. I couldnt breathe so I started struggling, which only made him angrier. He went back to my ear to whisper again. "One day, little Brooke will do the same things to me that you do. Then she can really be like her slutty mommy." He taunted me.

The words got into my head and I saw red as I shoved my knee into his crotch and then punched him in the face. He grabbed himself in pain and then turned around and punched me in the jaw with enough force to knock me on the floor.  I held my jaw in pain as blood poured from my mouth.

He then took me by surprise and grabbed my chin, which hurt a lot, and began kissing me like nothing had happened. I struggled against him until he finally let me go. "That turned me on so much." He mumbled lowly.

I scurried away from him and stood up. My vision was slightly blurry due to the hit to my jaw but otherwise, I was disgusted and shocked.

I slid across the wall and caught a glimpse of the man who was our guest tonight. He was staring at the interaction with almost a pained look on his face. Maybe it was just the distance but he looked almost like he was sad. Who is this guy? Why is he here?

"Now, go up on that stage and entertain our guest." He repeated one more time for me to understand the punishment was severe if I didn't listen. I didn't want to give in but I knew I had to, especially when my baby was so close and could be used as bait. I nodded and started toward the dressing room again, this time to get back into that skimpy outfit I had on earlier. "Good girl." I heard him say as I walked away.

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