Chapter #4

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(Picture is Ashley, Cara and Aubrey, left to right)

Chapter #4

I pulled on the outfit that I was supposed to wear for the night. It was a matching outfit with three other girls who work in the club. The outfits matched because it was a dance where all four us danced together. I didn't mind the dance though since it was more like a burlesque style instead of the usual slutty exotic dances we were always forced to do.

(Outfits they are wearing)

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(Outfits they are wearing)

Ashley came over with a smile and jiggled her chest in the loosely hanging beads that hung from the outfit. "I love this dance!" She admitted.

I chuckled. "Of course you do. I just like that the attention will be taken off of me for once." I told her honestly. I hated having the attention. It really bothered me. Maybe it's because I know there are perverts in the audience who are there just to watch half naked girls throw themselves around on stage. I am one of those girls but not because I want to be.

Aubrey came over looking for help with the strap at her back. I untangled it for her and she thanked me before walking away to check on my brother. She has been having a secret relationship with him for a few weeks now. Steven doesn't know but they have to be careful so that he doesn't find out or else they will be severely punished. He doesn't want anyone to have a life to go to because they will have a reason to try to escape.

As we were all getting ready to, Steven came to the back dressing room and told me he wanted me for a moment. I knew what he wanted already, it isn't the first time he asked.

I followed him into the back room he claimed as his office. He closed the door behind us before walking to his desk and sitting in the chair. He waved me over with a sick smile. I walked over and he made me sit on my hands and knees in front of him. "Time to give me back what you owe for that little episode you displayed last night." He told me and then put my hand over his private area.

He didn't really have to say anything more. I knew what he wanted before we even got in and I also knew that if I fought it, he would use my family or kids. So, I undid his jeans and slid down his underwear enough to pull out his length. He was semi hard already so I knew it would go by quickly this time.

I finished him off and then he pushed me away, telling me to get one of my brothers. I didn't like it that he wanted me to not only grab one of my brothers for him to do lord knows what to but also he wanted me to choose the one who would have to do it. I shook my head. "I'm not gonna decide who gets to be tortured by you Steven."

He chuckled. "If you don't then it will be both." He taunted me.

"What do you want with them anyway?" I asked curiously.

Steven smiled and stood up. "The answer won't make your choice any easier. I want a nice boy to fuck this evening." He told, putting it into even dirtier words. "Now, who do you choose?" He asked one more time.

I shuddered at the thought but I knew I had to say it. "Take me." I told him. He started laughing, making me feel slightly offended but also letting me know he was playing around with my head. I put my hands on my hips. "Am I not good enough for you?"

"You are plenty good enough for me." He told me. "But you aren't a man and that's what i want tonight." He told me.

I went up to his face and smiled deviously. "I see, you want someone with a bit more strength when they struggle." I noted. I turned around and started heading toward the door. I knew I would regret my next words but I had to say it. "Can you even get it up anymore if it's not a real struggle?" I asked.

His anger was expected. Even the rough grabbing was expected. I was prepared for all of it. He is very offensive about his manhood and when he feels like it has been insulted, he gets very rough.

Steven threw me onto the small sofa he had in the office and climbed on top of me. I tried to push him off but to no avail. He grabbed both my hands in his one large one and pinned them over my head before mashing his mouth onto mine. His other hand went down to my thighs and started pushing them apart and sticking his hands inside the bottoms of my outfit. His fingers swirled around until he pushed one inside, at which point I groaned in pain since he was being so rough. I was able to get a hand free so he just stuck his hand around my throat, thrusting his fingers fast and hard.

He was squeezing so tight and I couldn't breathe at all so I began thrashing around, trying to get loose from his grip. It only made him squeeze tighter. I should never have taunted him. I'm gonna die; Steven is going to kill me right here on this couch!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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