Chapter 7

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"With mum, we were involved in a car accident... Some guy came and hit the drivers side... He was driving at top speed... Mum was driving, the impact... pretty much... k...k...k...killed her." Adrain said, pausing ever so often, and stuttering.

I dropped the phone, it just slipped out of my hand. I slowly walked to front door after standing in the same position for a mere few seconds but in reality was 5, maybe more, minutes.

I grabbed my leather jacket which hung lifelessly from the coat rack. I quickly put it on. I could feel the tears running down my face. Tears that I was oblivious to.

I put on a pair of converses and picked up Adrian's car keys and my motorbike keys, I hadn't realised I picked them both up until I had left the house.

I may not have a drivers licence but that doesn't mean I can't drive. I ran out of the house slamming the door behind me.

I quickly got into Adrian's car. I started it up and drove to the local hospital. It was a 10 minute drive and let me say I cut it to 2. I ran 12 red lights and broke the speed limits everywhere but let's be honest, I'm sure you would do the same thing.

I got to the hospitals Accident and Emergency ward and went to the reception desk. I explained my situation to the lady and she took me to some random waiting room and asked me to wait a second while she does a quick check. She popped her head around 2 doors before indicating Adrian and my mum were in the third. I thanked her before walking into the third room.

I saw something I thought I would never see in my whole life. My mum was laying there, hooked up to a machine, which beeped occasionally, and I was grateful for that.

Adrian was sitting by her bedside. His face buried in his hands. He wasn't aware of my presence. You could here light sobs escape his lips.

"Adrain?" I said softly. I walked up to him and rested my hand on his back. "Adrain?" I repeated, shaking him slightly with my hand.

He slowly lifted his head. And forced a smile when he saw me. His eyes where red and blood shot. Tears were rolling down his bright red cheeks. You could tell he had been crying for a while.

A tear escaped my eye as I smiled back. It wasn't the fact that my mum was laying here, in hospital, in a coma that made me cry.

It was seeing my brother in this state which made me cry. I had known Adrian as the strongest person I has ever met, and whenever I saw him like this, which may I note was rare, it made me break down.

He embraced me. And I hugged back. The tears slowly became free flowing, escaping at their own will.

"It's okay. She'll get better soon" Adrian whispered into my ear before releasing the hold he had on me.

I forced a smile. Adrian explained exactly what happened. There was a driver who was involved in a drag race and ended up driving straight into the drivers side of the car at top speed. Adrain escaped with just a few cuts and bruises.

"It's all my fault. If I drove instead I would have been hit instead of mum. It would've been me instead of her and you guys could've lived happily ever after, you need a mum in your life, you don't need me." Adrain cried out.

"Adrian" I said placing my hand on his shoulder from my sitting place across. I moved him to face me using my hand. "Don't say it's your fault! It's not! If you went, you think me and mum could have lived happily ever after!? No! We would have grieved everyday of our lives! I need you in my life. An authority figure. I need you more than I need anyone else"

He didn't respond, he just hugged me.

As soon as we broke from our hug a Middle Aged, blonde women walked In. She was carrying a folder. She placed the folder on a small desk I hadn't noticed before.

"Hiya my name's Sophie, I'll be your social worker for the next few weeks"

Mind the next rainbow. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Social workers aren't good. They get all up in your business and don't leave you alone.

"I'm only here to help keep you guys stable, since I know your only 19" she said gesturing to Adrian. "There are two options. You can either stay where you are now. Adrian taking on the 'Guardian' role. Or I can make arrangements for Kimberly? Is it?" I nodded "for Kimberly to go into foster care and Adrain, I can't really arrange much for you since you're over 18. You'll have to stay in your current position or move in with a family member. That's all I can offer for you."

"It's fine. No arrangements needed. I'll take care of Kimberly"

"If you take that option, I'll have to stay with you for the next 6 months or until your mother recovers, which ever comes earlier." She said

Me and Adrian exchanged knowing looks.

"I'll give you until 5 to decide, but if you're still undecided by then, then I'll have to put Kimberly into foster care, it's by default. Sorry." She said. "You can take a read of a few terms and such in here" she said gesturing to the folder left on the desk before leaving and closing the door behind here.

"6 months. That's a long time." I said "we could go and stay with Auntie 'Mil instead."

"I'll be able to do it" Adrain said "but I want to know, can you?"

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