Chapter 2

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I sat in class, only the sound of someone tapping their pen on the table broke the silence. I stared at clock, watching the seconds pass by with each tick of the thin hand. It was a week later. The nightmares still haunted me, effecting everything I did, I lived in fear, always looking behind me, jumping at the slightest sounds, scared that the voice would once again come to greet me.

I looked over at the teacher, sitting at her desk, marking papers, suddenly she looked up, her usually happy face devoid of emotion. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed our Maths teachers' strange behaviour, but everyone had their heads down, working. I looked back at the teacher again, this time she was looking straight at me, my heart jumped into my throat as her face flickered, for a split second it wasn't the teacher I was looking at, but in her place, a girl with bright orange hair and stunning green eyes, black smoke swirling around her feet.

I heard a gasp from the back of the class, and turned around to see a boy with scruffy brown hair slap his hand over his mouth in shock, staring straight at the girl. Fear clawed at my stomach. Could everyone else see what I was seeing? I looked around the classroom. No one else seemed to be reacting, some students were even looking in the teachers' direction and didn't show any signs that they saw what we were seeing.

"Is everything okay Lucille?" The teachers' sweet voice came from behind me. I whipped my head back around to face her and her usual, brown eyes were staring back at me, concern swirling in their depths.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I stammered, nodding my head slightly.

"Okay... if you say so." She replied, her voice uncertain. I turned to look at the boy again, our eyes met and he looked away almost instantly, his face red with embarrassment as he pretended to focus on his work, tapping his pen anxiously on the table.

I had to talk to him, I thought. As I turned back around I could feel his stare burning into my back, I fought the urge to look back and meet his stare, but instead ignored him and decided to wait until after class to work out what was going on.

Suddenly, the bell went, signalling the end of the day. I got up out of my chair, picking my books up and putting my pencils away. I looked around the classroom for the boy and saw him disappearing out of the door.

"Hey, you!" I shouted, hoping to get his attention as I speed up, following him. Instead of turning back to look at me, he began to walk faster, I started run after him when suddenly I knocked into bin, that I swear wasn't there before, and fell back, crashing into the cold, white tiles that covered the hallway. I let out a yelp as I landed and looked up as I heard laughter. My face paled as I realised who it belonged to.

"In a rush, are we?" Dalton chuckled, looking down at me.

"Yes, actually, I am, so if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be." I said, trying to sound curt, but internally cringed as I ended up sounding like a flustered mess. I tried hard not to let my face go red with embarrassment as I got up off the cold floor. Dalton looked like he was trying hard to keep in his laughter.

"I'm sorry, is my pain funny to you?" I asked sarcastically tilting my head to the side.

"No, But I've never seen someone so clumsy in my whole life." he mumbled through his laughter, walking away. I shook my head and looked back into the crowd of students, trying to spot a scruffy brown head of hair, but the boy from Maths class was nowhere to be found.

Sighing in exasperation, I grabbed my things and headed home.


I closed the door to my bedroom softly, trying not to wake my mother, who was sleeping after a long day at work. That seems to be the only things she does these days, sleep and work. I doubt she would notice if I was abducted by aliens. I put my bag down in the corner of my room and sat at my desk, opening my laptop and logging onto Facebook. I sat back in my chair, staring at the home page, trying to work out where to start. I was trying to find the boy from Maths class. With any luck, I could find his Facebook account, and find out more about him. I decided it might be a good idea to go to Wellspring Highs Facebook page, most of the students at Wellspring followed this page, so it was a good place to start.

I started to scroll through the followers but like I said, almost every student who attends Wellspring follows this page, so there was a lot to go through. I stopped as I scrolled past Daltons profile and hovered my mouse over his profile picture, tempted to press on it and look through his page. I shook my head to clear the thought and kept scrolling.

Finally, I found the brown haired boys' profile. His profile picture was a cute selfie with a girl I didn't recognise, but assumed was his girlfriend. I clicked on it. His name was Caspian Winters. Bingo! I sent Caspian a friend request and just as I was about to start scrolling through his photos, when my phone rang, making me jump.

"Hello?" I said into my phone.

"Hi. Where were you today? I waited at the mall for hours." Layla's annoyed voice replied. I was about to ask what she was talking about and then I realised; we were meant to go shopping for our prom dresses today!

"Oh my god, Layla, I'm so sorry! I just been so busy and-"

"It's okay." Layla cut me off. "Just don't let it happen again." I smiled to myself, thankful I had such a forgiving friend.

"It won't." I promised her.

"Okay, well I've got to go, I'm in a creative mood and need to paint something! See you at school." She laughed.

"Bye." I giggled, hanging up the phone. I sighed, looking back at my laptop screen and noticed the time. It was 11:45pm. I yawned, realising how tired I was and put my pyjamas on, about to call it a night and go to bed when a notification popped up;

'Dalton Jones has requested to be your friend.'

I sat back in my seat, running a hand through my hair, thinking about whether or not I should accept it. Why would he send me a friend request anyway? We've hardly ever spoken, apart from a few short conversations that usually involved me embarrassing myself. I closed my laptop down, deciding that it was a decision I could make in the morning. I got under the soft sheets of my bed and laid down, closing my eyes, trying to sleep.

I let out an aggravated sigh as I realised I wasn't going to be able to sleep until I decided what to do about Dalton's friend request. I got out of bed and grabbed my laptop again, logging back onto Facebook and clicking 'Accept' before I had time to think about it. Once I again I shut down my laptop and got back into bed, sighing, and closed my eyes, praying the nightmares wouldn't haunt me as I slept.

My laptop pinged as I closed my eyes, and let sleep take over.


Hey Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment with any feedback you may have!

Shannon x

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