Chapter 3

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My hands shook and I bit my lip as I stared at my computer screen in shock. It seems Dalton did have a reason for sending me a friend request after all. I re-read the message for the twelfth time, just to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

'I know you see things.'

That was it. That was all he wrote. How do you even reply to that? Obviously I understood what he meant, the dreams, the ominous whispering, even my maths teacher turning into a girl half her age. But how did he know about all this? I let out an aggravated sigh, running my hands through my hair as I tried to think of an appropriate response. After many attempts, I finally decided on a reply;

'What are you talking about?'

I opted for the clueless approach. With any luck, I would end up convincing Dalton he had no idea what he was talking about. I checked to see if Caspian had accepted my friend request. I had spent all morning scrolling through his page but couldn't find anything of interest, just pictures with his friends and family. I smiled nervously when I saw that he had accepted my request and decided to send him a message;

'Hey. I think we need to talk, can we meet up someplace?'

Almost as soon as I sent the message Caspian replied;

'The park at 3.'

That was abrupt, I thought, but was happy that he wanted to meet up nevertheless. I needed to work out what the hell was going on.

At 2:45pm I started walking to the park, worry had been weaving webs through my mind all day. How did Dalton know? Was it that obvious? I sat down on a the cleanest bench I could find when I arrived at the park, looking around for Caspian.

Suddenly, I spotted three figures approaching, Caspian in front, with a girl I had seen around school and Dalton. It took all my willpower not to turn and run away. Why did Caspian bring Dalton? Why did he bring anyone at all? This was supposed to be a private meeting, not a party! I stayed silent as they walked closer, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hi, Lucille." Caspian said politely, smiling awkwardly.

"Hey." I replied. "What are they doing here?" I said gesturing to Dalton and the girl. Caspian shuffled his feet awkwardly and was about to answer when the girl interrupted;

"Hi! I'm Corrina." She exclaimed enthusiastically, sticking out her hand. I took it, shaking her hand awkwardly. Corrina was very pretty, her bright pink hair complimented her brown eyes nicely. She wore black boots, jeans and a leather jacket. She looked like your stereotypical tough girl, but certainly seemed much nicer than one.

"Lucille." I replied. Dalton scoffed from behind Caspian.

"Can we please get on with this? I have places to be." He interjected, glaring daggers into the back on Caspian's head.

"Yes, lets." Caspian said nervously.

"Why did you bring them?" I asked again, looking pointedly at Caspian.

"Because they are just like you and I." He whispered. "They see things too."

"Wha- what are you talking about?" I stammered awkwardly, trying to act clueless.

"Oh please. We aren't stupid you know- well at least, I'm not. I've been watching you, you are just as scrambled as the rest of us. Running out of the bathroom at full speed? I know it stinks in there, but it can't be that bad." Dalton snickered, stepping forward so he was right in front of me.

"Fine. Let's say I have been seeing things."

"Which you have." Dalton interrupted loudly. I cleared my throat and glared at him before continuing;

"There's nothing we can do about it. Maybe we are all crazy and belong in a mental hospital."

"Or maybe we aren't, and there's a meaning behind all of this." Corrina said as she walked over to the bench and sat down, putting her feet up. I turned to face her.

"What meaning could there possibly be?" Dalton scoffed from behind me. We stood there for a while in a awkward silence, no one had an answer to Dalton's question, a question we had all been asking ourselves. My was mind reeling with possibilities and theories but none of them seemed reasonable or logical. I sighed.

"Well, I'm leaving." Dalton said and started to walk off but stopped in his tracks as our hearts dropped at the sound of a familiar whispering we had all heard many times before.

"No.." It whispered, trailing off in the wind.

Caspian gulped loudly behind me, "Di-did you guys hear that?"

I spun around trying to find the source of the whispering. Suddenly the park went dark, a gloomy fog surrounded us.

"No.." the voice repeated, until it was a loud wail, surrounding us, echoing constantly in our ears. We moved closer, taking steps back until we were all in huddle facing outward. Corrina dropped to the ground beside me, covering her ears with her hands. Even Dalton was struggling to keep his calm, his eyes darting around, fists clenched like he was ready to attack at any moment. Caspian dropped down beside Corrina, trying to help her, struggling to fight against the sound.

Then the wailing stopped abruptly, the fog dissipated and we were left standing in the deathly silence of the park, the only thing that could be heard was the faint whispering still ringing on in our ears.

Hey Everyone!
It's been a while, I've been so busy with school but I will be holidays soon so I'll have plenty of time to write then!
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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