Requiem for Melancholia

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There was too much noise; the screaming, explosions, anger, fire, pain and death. It was all so deafening in her ears. She didn't know where she was or where she was meant to be going. All she knew was that she was lost in the middle of this battle and she hadn't a clue how to escape it. So many bodies littered the ground, being dragged to safety and leaving trails of red behind. Her stomach churned and she fought to compose herself. Tears running down her face as she dodged the ones still fighting, running toward a bullet with their name on it.

A hand clasped itself around her arm. Startled she drew in a sharp breath and turned, a fist raised harshly to protect herself. Confusion rang through her for a moment, wondering how she, the unseen, had been seen. Fist still raised in hesitation, she took in the face, stricken with grief that towered above her own. She knew this face. It was the face of a man she knew well.

"Oh, I've never been so glad to see you in my entire existence," she breathed out in relief, casting an apologetic gaze to him at the underlying insult in her words. He didn't seem to pay any mind to it and brought her into an embrace. She nearly crumpling in the soft comfort he offered.

"Do not fear what is happening, dear one," he whispered soothingly in her ear. "These humans cannot harm you here."

"I do not fear for me." A tear escaped her, a crack in her deep gaze. "I fear for them. You understand that I cannot help them. I cannot save them. Not from themselves. It hurts me to know that I am worthless here."

"Hush now," his arms tightened around her. "Let's get you somewhere quiet."

She allowed him to lead her away from the gore. With every sound of a gun and terrified order, she couldn't help but cower further into the familiar warmth of her brother. His steps were sure where hers were questioning, holding her head to his chest to protect her from the sight that was war. But he could still see it all. There was so much smoke and dust hindering their view. On the ground surrounding them were bodies missing limbs and weapons. Faces marred and unrecognizable to all, only a tag to give them a name. Buildings were barren and several were crumbling from the vibrations that were giant machines stalking by and made into weapons that decimated everything they targeted. It was a dark day.

He led her away from the middle of it all, sounds failing to melt away. She was trembling in his arms. Deathly afraid for the aftermath that was this devastation. She was right. There was nothing they could do but wait and watch. He knew, of course, that time would move forward and eventually the healing would begin. In the midst of that healing, however, there was always time for mourning and remembering those that were lost in a battle that could have been avoided. Shaking his head at the fickle creatures that had caused this all. Humans. Why they acted as they did was beyond him. All he had to do was watch over them, to keep them moving forward.

Entering a small building, he let his sister out of his embrace and moved to attempt to shut out the noises that tormented her. It did little, as he could still see her flinch at every large boom that sounded, knowing that screams accompanied them all. He took her by the hand and led her further, down into a small shelter. There was something that had pulled him there. A feeling that said it was meant to be. It was likely Fate, tugging him along down a path that both he and his companion in this sorrowful dwelling were meant to follow. It was then the he felt her freeze, pulling out of his grasp.

"Did you hear that?" she asked, head tilted to the side with an expression of sheer confusion. Her eyes sparkled with tears and shined with hope. He was beyond curious to what it was that led to it being there. "I thought I heard something... This way."

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