Chapter 1- Intro

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When you were 16 you were kidnapped while on a school trip and used as a slave for a pack of alphas.

Six years later you were on the run after finally getting away from the alphas who kidnapped you. But, while on the run in attempt to get back to your home town to find your father and little brother, an omega spotted you. Which is why right now you found yourself running for your life through the Beacon Hills Preserve.

After being a slave for six years you were not about to die from an omega when you were so close to getting home. You keep running, glancing over your shoulder to see where the omega was, but he was no where to be seen.

You stopped in confusion thinking it gave up, when it suddenly jumped out the bush next to you, tackling you to the ground.

You let out a surprised scream which turned into a groan as the werewolf claws slashed your stomach. Bitch! You think to yourself grabbing your bleeding stomach, but the man didn't stop. He clawed at your body over and over again, but you were too weak to defend yourself. It's been days since you have slept and eaten, your body's just too weak and you knew it.

"Hey!" A male voice shouted in distance. Great. Two onto one, now this isn't fair.

Before you could even move your head the new man grabbed the omega and throws him off you.

You watch in shock as the two men... well now that you were watching closely you mean two werewolf's, fought on the floor a few metres away from you.

You knew you should try and get away while they are both distracted with each other, but the other man for some reason caught your attention. You continue watching curiously and almost laugh when the omega suddenly got up and ran away like a scared toddler.

"You alright?" The same voice asked and you look over at the man taking in his appearance for the first time. He was tall, muscular, brown hair, stubble and a very attractive man all together. Nevertheless, he's a complete stranger and you knew better than anybody to not trust a stranger especially incredibly hot ones, they were always trouble.

"I'm fine." You stated trying to stand yourself up gingerly, but nearly fall over in the process as a strong pair of hands grab your shoulders.

"Yep, it looks like you're completely fine." The man commented and you bit your tongue from saying something harsh back because right now he was the only one able to help you.

"It'll heal. I just need to rest." You replied bluntly and he nodded letting go of your shoulder.

"Thought I could smell werewolf in you and the attitude! You remind me a lot of someone." The man said with a smile.

"Let me help you, it's the middle of the night. Can I give you a ride home?" He offered and you shook your head. "You can't walk home in your condition, you can barely stand. I promise I'm not one of the bad guys, if I was I would have let the omega kill you." Okay, he does have a point and he isn't lying otherwise his heart beat would have changed. 

"I can sense you're not a bad guy. Trust me, I've been around a lot of bad werewolves to know, but you can't give me a ride home." You finally answer and the man looked at you, confusion forming on his perfect face.

"Alright, can you at least tell me your name?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"My names y/n." You answered and he smiled.

"That's a pretty name, I'm Derek." He replied and you suddenly start to feel guilty for not letting him drive you home. He was only trying to be polite which is very rare in this world you have come to realise.

"Look Derek, it's nothing against you... I just don't really have a home." You answered turning your head, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." He said softly and you shook your head.

"It's fine, honestly, but I don't wanna talk about it." You answered and he nodded.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked changing the topic.

"Depends on what it is." You answered folding your arms across your chest not sure what to expect.

"Are you an alpha?" He asked and you raised your eyebrows in shock, but quickly shook your head. "Then why do you smell a lot like an alpha?"

"That is a long painful story." You sighed.

"Well how about you tell me at my house. You can have a shower get yourself cleaned up and I'll take the couch for the night?" Derek offered and you smiled with a nod.

"I would actually really appreciate that, thank you." You said.

"Did I just hear a thank you? Man, I didn't even realise you knew that word." Derek responded with a laugh and you rolled your eyes.

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