Chapter 24

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*1 day later*

"You're skull seems to be completely healed." Melissa informed holding up the X-rays in her hand. "God, I will never get use to this werewolf healing. A day ago, you were nearly dead and now you are completely fine."

"Does that mean she can go home?" Your Dad asked and you glanced over to him sitting on a chair in your room next to Derek.

The rest of the pack were at school, they missed the last few days and you didn't want them to miss another because of you.

"Yeah, she's completely fine to go home." Melissa answered with a smile. "I'll go get the last of the paper work for you guys and you are free to head home." She said walking out the room with your Dad.

"Why have I healed completely, but you're knee hasn't even started healing yet?" You asked and Derek shrugged.

"You didn't drink a whole jar of wolfsbane and my body has been focused on healing my upper body, guess it thought my knee wasn't important." Derek answered with a laugh as he limped towards your bed.

You sat yourself up moving to the side as Derek sat on the edge wrapping his arm around you as you hugged him.

"I missed this." You whispered as Derek hugged you back.

"I missed you." He responded kissing your forehead.

"We're going to be okay, right?" You asked and he nodded taking in a deep breath and you knew he was thinking of Cora.

Stiles had explained what happened with the young werewolf and your heart broke for Derek. You never got the chance to meet the girl properly, but it still hurt knowing she's gone.

"If we can get through what we just did, where we both nearly died and still make it out of the situation walking. We will be fine with whatever the world decides to throw at us next. We're mates for a reason and the pack... the pack now has two alphas and I'm pretty sure Chris Argent has given up retirement to help us keep Beacon Hills safe. So I reckon we will be okay y/n." He answered calmly and you nodded.

"So, are you thinking this afternoon once school is out to bury Cora and give her the proper send off she deserves?" You asked softly not wanting to upset your mate.

"Yeah, bury her next to Laura near the old house." Derek answered and you could hear his heart rate increase rapidly and you knew he was thinking about Cora's death and Laura's which you knew was a very sensitive topic.

When the Hale house got burnt down, Laura and Derek were all each other head. Laura wasn't just Derek's older sister, she was his best friend and his alpha. And her death had effected Derek a lot more than he lets on, he barely talks to you about his family and Laura, and you don't push him too.

He knows you're there for him when he's ready to start talking. Until then, you are happy to just hug and kiss him when things get too crazy in his head when he thinks about the topic.

Just like right now his heartbeat keeps increasing and you grabbed his hand and his eyes locked with yours. You lifted your head up so your lips met his and his heart rate suddenly slowed down.

"Thank you." He breathed resting his forehead on yours and you smiled giving him another kiss before you got out of bed, starting to get ready to leave.


*That afternoon*

"She didn't deserve this." Scott said shaking his head as the pack all stood around Cora's grave.

"I didn't get to know her really well, but I didn't need to to know that she only ever wanted to help and was all for her family and her pack. Hence why she couldn't stay here long after the whole Alpha Pack situation because she couldn't leave her pack back across the country." Scott continued to say.

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