Chapter 6

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*1 hour later*

You found yourself lying on the couch in the main room of the loft with Derek lying behind you. His arm over you as you both laid there watching the rain hit the big window.


"y/n?" He responded in the same tone as you causing you smile.

"Something bad is coming isn't it?" You asked worriedly. You could sense something wasn't right a few weeks ago and it's just getting worse, you can sense something bad is going to happen, but you just don't know what or when.

"You can sense it too? Something is coming, I haven't said anything to the pack. I don't want them to start worrying, especially with their final year of school. If it's something I can handle without getting them involved then there's no need to worry them over it." Derek answered moving his thumb in circles over your arm.

"You really look after the teenagers don't you?" You said and you could feel Derek nod softly.

"I was their alpha, the one they came to when there's an issue or when they need help. None of them asked for this, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, none of them asked for it. I was born into it and even though I'm not technically their alpha anymore they still come to me when there's an issue. We all have a love-hate relationship as you have witnessed over the months. We all argue and yell especially Stiles and I, but we are there for each other." He answered taking a deep breath and you could tell he was under a lot of pressure with taking care of the pack.

"Even Scott comes to you for help?"

"Especially Scott, He says he doesn't know what he's doing and needs my help, but I can tell he's gonna be a good alpha when I'm no longer around." He answered.

"Well I hope that day doesn't happen for a long time. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you to be honest." You admitted as you felt Derek's heart beat rise slightly until he managed to steady it.

"You would be fine without me. You're smart, kind, beautiful and can take care of yourself, trust me if anything I'm bad for you. Everyone around me always gets hurt." He said causing you turn your body so you were lying on your back able to see Derek's face.

"That was sweet but trust me I need you more than you think, you know how Allison is Scotts anchor? You're mine and I don't care if people get hurt around you, you said it yourself I can take care of myself." You responded and Derek just smiled looking into your eyes and you smiled back.

"Hypothetically, if I told you that I liked you more than friends, what would you say?" Derek asked still looking into your eyes causing you blush slightly.

"I'd say that I feel the same about you. Hypothetically, of course." You responded with a cheeky smile.

"God, can you both shut up and finally kiss each other?" Peters voice shouted as the door to the loft opened and Derek rolled his eyes giving you an apologetic look.

"We're just friends Peter." Derek shoutout over his shoulder and even though you knew you guys were friends it broke your heart slightly when he said it.

"Sure you are." He said giving you a wink as he walked up the stairs to his room.

You turned your head to look at Derek not sure what to say after that comment and your eyes locked for a second before he leaned in and kissed you.

It might sound cliche, but it felt like a spark lit as his lips hit yours and you knew he felt it to. He moves his body slightly and cupped your face with his hands as you kissed him back, his lips soft and moist on yours.

"You know?" Derek asked softly pulling away and you smile nodding, you knew that Derek was your mate from the moment the two of you met in the forest.

You had heard Deucalion talk about mates one day which is where you learnt the term from. Mates are sort of like soulmates if you believe in that, they are two werewolves who are ideally suited for each other and can't imagine being without the other. They know they are worth fighting for and giving up everything for.

"How long have you known? I didn't even know you knew what a mate was." Derek said with his hand resting on your hip.

"Since you saved my life. I felt a connection towards you, but I never knew for certain until just then." You answered and Derek didn't say anything to that, his smile just grew kissing you again pulling your body closer.

You slide your hand up his shirt, your fingers moving over his defined smooth abs. Both your heart beats rising in sink while he puts his hand behind the back of your head kissing you tenderly.


"y/n wake up." Derek's voice said softly as your eyes fluttered open slowly trying to adjust to the sudden brightness coming through the window. "You better get up, I'm pretty sure you have work in an hour."

"Shit!" You muttered half asleep as you rolled off the couch falling onto the floor. Derek laughed from the other side of the room holding two cups of what smells like freshly made coffee.

"Shut up asshole." You responded with a grin as he handed you a cup and placed a kiss to your lips. "Well good morning to you too." You said happily causing Derek to laugh again.

"I don't know if it's relevant to ask since we are sorta mates now, but I feel like I should. Would you like to be my girlfriend y/n?" He asked and the smile on your face grew wider.

"I want to be your girlfriend more than an electron wants to attach to a proton." You answered and Derek shook his head with a smile.

"You are definitely Stiles' sister." He commented leaning over and kissing you again.

"The one and only." You replied taking a sip of your coffee. "How are we going to tell the pack about us?"

"Preferably when Stiles is in a good mood so he doesn't cut my head off." He answered and you rolled your eyes.

"He wouldn't-"

"He once told me he was going drag my little werewolf ass onto the road and leave me for dead, when I was shot with a wolfsbane bullet." He said and you laughed remembering when Scott and Stiles told you that story.

"But he didn't did he?" You asked and Derek shook his head.

"We threaten each other a lot but never mean it." He answered and you smiled. "Let me drive you home so you can get ready for work."

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