Becoming a summer babysitter

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- Okay but I'm not going to do it every single day! - I advised her.

- Why not? It's just to earn a little bit of money. - my mother didn't know why.

- It's Spain, do you really think I am going to babysit a ten year old every day of my holidays?

- Okay but you were the one who waned the money. Remember?

- Yes, but I have saved quite a lot and...

- That's not enough, it costs sixty euros.

- Well, but I have...- I looked through the little hole of my piggybank.

- You will not save enough if you don't work, you have like four euros...

- No, to be exact I have four euros and two cents.

- Oh my God, with that you can buy so many things!- she said sarcastically.

- Okay I'll babysit your friend's child BUT just four days a week. - I wanted to make a deal with my mother.

- Okay...- she finally accepted.

- And how much do they pay? - I started counting how much time would I need to babysit that kid for me to be able to go to the One Direction concert.

- Katie. - she sounded disappointed as I just thought about the money.

- What? I need to know how much time will I need to waste if my holidays.

- Oh! I've just reminded that she told me she needed someone to babysit the kid during a month because they were going on holidays as a partner.

- What does that mean? Do I need to work every day? No please!

- Well, if you don't really want to do it you can ask your sister if she would accept to work three days a week.

- I'll tell her later.

- Well, let me know when she gives you an answer.

- I will.

My sister was getting prepared to go and have breakfast. It was our first one in the hotel.

- Finished! - I heard inside the bathroom.

We all went down together. Everything here was amazing, I had never gone to a four star hotel so I didn't expect it to be like that.

We made our way to the buffet which we could see from the outside if the room. There was a great variety of food available although the best things had nearly run out.

After getting whatever we wanted, we sat ob a table near the corner. Luke sat down first, then my mum, dad, sister and finally me.

I could see that Luke had gotten for him a cup o milk and a toast, I could deduce he was going to have it with butter as he had a little butter recipient.

Then my sister, obsessed with getting fat, had got a juice and nothing more.

My parents had got all they had seen, their trays were full, it was so embarrassing....

I had got for myself a croissant and a cup of hot chocolate. I could smell the hot chocolate, I loved, I would have it every morning as breakfast.

I saw my parents already eating, they were the typical parents who would get everything they could if they had paid for it.

My sister was drink her juice and my brother was spreading the butter on the toast.

- Luke!! - she yelled angrily.

- Sorry...

- Sorry, is that all?

- Sorry Jessie. - he had bright red cheeks.

- Uh! You idiot, you've just spilt grape juice on my favorite t-shirt! - she screamed making everyone look at us.

Luke didn't answer.

- Just calm down darling. - my mum tried to calm her down.

- Yeah, just... relax, take it easy... - my father started singing.

Luke and I started laughing out loud when Jessie went to the room to change of clothes. Apparently the two of us found it funny that our father was singing when my sister was angry.

I saw a women approaching to us, it was scary watching a woman going to your direction smiling at you.

- Oh, hi Grace!- my mother said to the mysterious

- Hi Daphne! I have finally found the hotel, it's nice to see you again!

- Nice to see you too, but how did you know we were staying here?

- Well, didn't Bob tell you?

- Tell me what? - my mother looked at my father.

- Oh yes, Grace is going to come.- my dad told my mum a bit late.

- No shit Sherlock! Bob, you are such a disaster! - my mum was a bit cross.

- Sorry, it's just that I forgot.

- Well, where are you planing to go today? - Grace asked curiously.

- We don't know, I thought about going to the beach...

- Oh... - Grace sounded disappointed about mums reply.

- What's the matter? - my mum heard the disappointment in her voice.

- Nothing, it's just that I wanted to take you all to the Sagrada Familia and other places of Barcelona, you know, to learn about here.

- Oh that was really kind of you, are you still willing to take us?

- Yes! Of course! I would love it. - she sounded so excited.

- Okay, thank you! - my mother was also excited.

- Hey, are you Jessie? - Grace asked looking at me.

- No, I'm Katie.

- Oh, hi Katie!

- And where's Jessie?

- She's getting changed.- I replied half smiling.

- Ah, okay. And you must be Luke, am I right? - she said looking at my brother.

- Yes!

- Nice to meet you all! - she said in a very friendly voice.

- And who was the one who was going to babysit my son? - she asked my mum.

- Katie will, won't you honey? - my mother asked me.

- Yes, but just four days per week.

- And have you asked Jessie about it?

- Nope, haven't still...

- Well, you should go and ask her or I will need to have to find another person. - Grace warned me.

- Yeah, I'll go now.

I went out of the breakfast room and went to our room. 008. I knocked on the door.

- Jess, open the door.

Nobody replied.

- Come on Jess! - I shouted.

The door opened. A man was there.

- Who are you?


A/N: Hi!

Sorry for not having done a more interesting chapter, I'll do a better one next time. Please comment and vote!

Could you tell me names for boys to use in the story, it would be very useful!

Thanks for reading!

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