Super Junior Island ~ Donghae story ~

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What happens when Nina and the rest of Super Junior get picked to go on a journey to "Super Junior Island" When they have to survive and fight for 3 months, from June 1st - August 1st. They will have a small camera crew with them and putting the footage out on tv. Along the way they experience, love, hate, danger, and funny times. 

Hey guys I'm gonna start chapter 1 and 2 now on this page. I will be doing 2-4 chapters each time I write so when you see *CHAPTER-* that means it's a new chapter. But when you see '~~~~' that means I'm done with the writing and will be adding notes at the end. 



It was a normal day at the Super Junior dorms.  Everybody was doing their own thing. Leeteuk, Sungmin, Siwon, Shindong were playing Wizard101 on the Xbox 1. Ryeowook, Yesung, Kangin and Kibum were talking in the kitchen. Kyuhyun was teching Korean to Henry, Zhou mi and Hangeng. Heechul and Eunhyuk were sleeping. Where is Donghae you ask? He is in his room, missing his bestfriend, Nina. He was on his computer looking at pictures of them together. He shed a little tear.  She had gone to finish college. That was 3 months ago she left.

Meanwhile, there was a knock at the door. Ryeowook had gotten up to get it. When he opened he was greeted by... Nina! 

"Hi noona, are you here to see Donghae?" she nodded and smiled. Ryeowook had called everyone to the room except fishy boy. Ryeowook told Kibum, Henry, and Zhou mi to stand infront of Nina and told them when he says move they all move so that Donghae could see Nina.

"DONGHAE HYUNG~ GET OUT HERE!" Ryeowook yelled to fish man. Donghae came out with an annoyed grunt. He looked and his mates with a confused look.

"GENTLEMEN AND FISHY'S PRESENTING..... NINA, MOVE GUYS." The guys all moved in a diffrent direction so Donghae could see Nina. 


"Donghae!" She ran into his arms and held on tight.

"I missed you so much Nina."

"Eww~, get a room." Sungmin yelled at the.

"Hey, watch it pinkie man." Donghae warned Sungmin. Pink guy went and hid behide Siwon. Donghae and Nina are still hugging until someone cam and split them apart...... manager hyung. 

"Ok everybody sit down I must talk to you." Everybody sat down and looked at manager hyung. 

"O.K so everybody in this room including Nina will be going on the show, 'Live it'." 

"What why we can't live on our own without food and water." Leeteuk said. Ok so this show 'Live it' is based on survival and fighting. You are supposed to survive on your own with a package send every day with different things each day. You will have no clothes so they will have to be made be leaves and sap. Thats why everyone is freaking out. 

"Yes it's time for you to learn." He told us more and when we leave which is tomorrow. Nobody could sleep, so they all went into the living room to talk. 

"It's gonna be weird with everyone in nothing but leaves. It doesn't help with Nina being there." Yesung said. 

"Yeah, she is a girl, we would she her.... parts everyday." Said the innocent Henry. 

"Gee thanks guys." Nina said. 



Today is the day that everybody has prepared for, going to the island. They can't bring things so they just get in the car and go. Thet drive for about 30 minuets until they stop at a building. A man in a suit is outside waiting for them to get out. 


O.k so now Super Junior and Nina are on the island with food, water, and matches. Nina had gone into the jungle with Donghae, Hangeng, and Yesung. She wasn't looking and she ran into a thorn bush.


" Oh my lordy are you o.k Nina?" Yesung asked help her up

"Does it look like I'm o.k?" Her shirt was ripped at the sides to make it look like tiger scratches, Her pants were stuck on the thorns and her arms were bloody. 

"U-ummm... your gonna-.. gonna have to take your umm... shirt....... o-off." Yesung said very awkwardly. Nina looked at him in shock. Donghae was clearly fine with it becase he had seen her in less clothing before. 

"I'm not taking my shirt offYou have be stupid to think I would do that." They left to go back to the group. They got bad to find everybody in diffrent places. Yesung, Hangeng, Donghae and Nina with each other. Heechul freaking out rnning like a crazy man. Siwon praying on his knees. Sungmin and Ryeowook rocking back and forth in the sand. Shindong and Kibum playing in the water. Zhou mi and Henry hugging each other. (Zhoury) Eunhyuk talking to him self. Kangin and Kyuhyun looking at the jungle in awe. Leeteuk trying to calm down Heechul. These 3 months better count. Nina already lost one peice of clothing in 15 seconds so she will lose more in 1 hour. 


How was it? I hope I did good. I am writing 4 stories right now so please check the others out as well. 

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