Chapter 3-4

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Everybody was awake on the 1 day on Super Junior Island. The camera crew were here and awake. Nina and Ryeowook had gone to look for sap to fix her shirt. Donghae and Yesung tried to find food. Everyone else were still in shock lying in a balled up position. Ryeowook had found some really sticky sap and grabbed Nina's hand to drag her to the tree. He put some sap in his hand but realized that something won't work.

"Nina, you have to remove your shirt so I can put sap on it and not get it on your body, plus you can't be moving with the sap trying to dry, so your gonna have to remove your shirt. Please." She looked at him in shock.

"Ain't no way in hell would I do that." She said back. She was very unsure of her body. She was afraid of making boys puke with her body.

"Please just once, no one will laugh or be disgusted, and if anyone does, me and Donghae will kill them, please just once." He said with a very cute face. She thought before making Ryeowook turn around. He turned in respect of her privacy. She took her shirt and handed it to him with out turning around. I could feel his eyes burning into her tattoo on her lower back. She flinched and shivered when he traced the pattern of the tattoo.

"What does '3-8-08' mean?"

"That was the day me and Donghae meet each other. I have other dates tattooed on me." She lifted her pant leg to her calf to showed the numbers '10-15-10'.

"That was when my mom died in a car crash. This on," She showed her collarbone area, "was when my little sister was born. The numbers were '9-2-08'

"Your sister was only 1 when your mom died?" She nodded and said

"Donghae was the only 1 who could help me through the depression." He saw her eyes getting watery. He sat her down and called Donghae.

"FISHMAN TO THE RESCUE! " He came running to Nina only to see her crying. He ran to her pulling her head to his neck and letting everything kinda slow down. Ryeowook sat in front of her and ran his hand over her knee soothing her sobs. Donghae whispered soft words into her ear and rubbed her head. Nina was soon asleep in Donghae and Ryeowook's arms. He told Ryeowook to go get Hangeng and Siwon to come here. 3 minuets later, they both come and ask whats up.

"Can you to grab the blankets and pillows that the people dropped off here please then grab the broom over too?" They both nodded and came back with the things. He told them to take Nina to the beach and set her down in the warm sand. Donghae got to work making beds for the rest. There was a 20 foot long and 15 foot wide blanket with another blanket and 20 pillows. What, the people don't want us to brake our back and sleep on a cool ground. Luckily Donghae found a part of the island, with a wide part where he could put down the blanket. He called 4 other people to help him make a roof in case of rain. They added a coat of sap to keep it in place.

Heechul grabbed Nina and set her down on a part of the bed. She shuffled in his arms before he set her down. The rest of the boys decided to play with a ball the found on the helicopter ride to the island.Sungmin had told the rest he found a small water fall the could us as a shower. They all ran to it to see what he was talking about. He was right, it was a water fall about 8 feet tall. The width of the water falling was about the size of an elevator door. The speed was close to 10 mph. 



Nina had waken up on a strange bed, met by screams of a couple guys followed by laughter. She got up forgetting she had no shirt on. She saw the guys playing with a ball and jumping around. 

"What in the hell are you doing?" She yelled all the boys. Everyone stopped in time and froze like fucking mannequins. They look shocked but some looked in lust. She looked down and saw......... no shirt.

"AHHH NO DON'T LOOK CRAP, RUN!!!" She yelled and ran to find her shirt that Ryeowook. She found and it was actually fixed. The boys were still in shock but continued their game. Donghae and Kibum ran to the "shower" to clean their bodies. They didn't that it may seem gay, they've done it before. But the bad part was, a girl was on the same island. Kibum was done but Dongahe stayed. He started to picture Nina on what happened earlier. The images made him.... *pop*. He had to fix it so he ran his hand up and down, up and down. Nina had no idea, and had to clean her hands fromt eh sap that wasn't dried on her shirt.

As she got closer to the waterfall, the more she heard, moans? She peeked around only to find Donghae, her best friend, masturbating. She couldn't look away, it was hypnotizing.

"Donghae? What are you doing?" 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Nina, I didn't mean to.... god why didn't I think."

"Donghae, it's ok, I've seen worse. Plus your my best friend, it should be normal." She said getting closer to him. She removed her clothes and joined him to clean her self. Donghae being shocked as a turtle that has been struck by lighting. She cleaned his back and legs. Just then there were 3 voices asking what was going on. They turned to see, Yesung, Heechul and Leeteuk.

"Ohh, Donghae be getting it on."

"OMO, my dongsaeng is growing up" Donghae started yelling at them telling them to go away. Well that went well.


Ok so here is 3-4 and I know it took forever, but I have like 4 other books. SORRY. 

Please check out my other books.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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