Max's voice

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Chapter 7: max's voice

Luke gave me some space so I ah time to think. He came over to talk and brought me a small basket of muffins. It made me laugh, "so you ok?" "yeah! Yeah do happy that I want to bake a cake!" we all went down stairs to make a cake. Molly walked in and helped us make the cake. We each had a piece and enjoyed it. "this is really good guys" we smiled. The song not your birthday came on by allstar weekend came on. I looked at Luke and he smiled. "perfect song"

Party like it's not your birthday!

No body gives a damn about the day you were born!

So let's party like it's not party likes it not your birthday!

We danced and sang and jumped on the couch. Luke took my hand and I kissed him. "the best non birthday ever" he laughed and we kept dancing. The next day we all woke up with smiles on our face. Until I walked to the kitchen and saw Molly and Charles talking to max. "Max how could you!?" "max!" he jumped a little. Molly grabbed the paper and put it infront of his face. "why? hu?! What did he do to you? and please stop cutting yourself"

He put up the middle finger and Charles got up "LOOK YOUNG MAN! WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU!!" He got up and smirked. "fine! then why don't we call jake and have him find another home for you!" he smiled and sat back down. I walked out "what happened?" Molly smiled "nothing just go back up stairs" "no! he's my brother and i want to know what happened!" "we found drugs in his back pack." the piece of paper was actually a bag "max?" His smile became a frown.

"And cut marks on his arm" he put down his arms and sleeve. "max? do you have anything to say?" he looked at me like of course just not know. Charles puffed and said "I bet you he got those drugs from Oliver." Max got up from his seat "No! their not! Ok, some kid from seven eleven gave them to me, he told me to take them. I took them just cuz, I wasn't going to smoke it! I was going to throw it away. And these aren't cut marks! Oliver and I were playing baseball and I fell and scrapped myself

Molly put her hand over her eyes "then why didn't you tell us?!" "because it's non of your business! Because I can handle it" Charles laughed "your just a kid you don't know anything" "AND YOU KNOW WHAT I KNOW?! wow! to believe that I trusted you people." He walked out, Molly and Charles told me not to tell tony. But I did anyways, he got mad and went to go get him. He came back and said he couldn't find him.

Max had run away, I went to Oliver a house and he said he hadn't seen him. I didn't believe him so I waited outside until he came out to take out the trashed like his mom said. "hey!" "look I told you..." "I know, but that's total bs. You know why? Cuz I know my brother wouldn't just leave like that! Plus I know that's his shirt your wearing." he looked down "he gave it to me and he borrowed on of mine." "Were is he?" "that I don't know, I'm sorry" I nodded and walked away. Then I heard him "why even try?" I turned around and saw him.


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