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Steve (p.o.v)

(A/N: surprise!😂)

The journey to the north pole was not that long for me, I kept my eyes on the road just following  it.

Nat & Nouela seem to get along now,which is good. I heard them do some small talks. Then they became bigger. Engaged conversations.

Suddenly we scratched into something. Actually I've expected that since I know Tony well. He's trying to get our attention as if it's ever funny!

He looked behind him at the girls "sorry ladies,we just arrived" he apologized.
I looked at him for a moment debating weather I should let it pass, which I decided to do "Great. Who has the locator?" I asked.

"Here cap!" Nat said holding it up.

"Good. Now suit up! there is a pretty storm down there" I pointed to the cabinet that had our protection suits.

"I don't see any prettiness in that" Nuella said hugging herself. I chuckled. I guess she hates winter after all.

We got our suits to protect us from the cold as we searched for the scientists.

"Nouel? How are you holding up?" Natasha asked. Apparently, she chose a nickname for her already.
"I'm fine,Nat." She smiled. Her smile is cute. "My arm isn't that bad"

"you sure?" I asked. It pretty much didn't seem good.

"Yes, Captain. I am fine really!" She insisted.
"Okay" I gave up. "where are they?" I asked Nat.

"Not so far. A few miles this way" she said pointing to the west.

As we walked we kinda played a game, it was my turn to ask a question.

"Soo.. Nouel..what do you work as?" I liked her. She was easy to talk to and I found myself calling her nicknames too.

"I'm..a singer?" She blushed. I held a laugh.

"Wait" Tony butted in "Don't tell me you came here for Alicia Keys tour?!" He exclaimed.

She nodded.

"Awwe I feel so sorry for you" he pouted.

"it's okay, Tony, this is more important anyway" she smiled.

I smiled too, she was very kind.

"Is it my turn?" Tony asked.

 "I guess so" Nuella said.

"Great so...what does "The Anodite" look like?" He asked.

Good question I didn't think about that.

"How about we keep it a surprise?" She clasped her hands behind her back and smiled.

"Oh c'mon! not even a hint?" He whined.

She giggled "No".

He pouted. I laughed

"You can ask another question" she suggested.

"Fine, Do you have...a boyfriend?" He asked. Uuh...isn't that kinda private or something?

But still, does she?

"Yeah" well, she does. There goes my chance.

What? I like her but it's okay.

"But he was gone. Not dead. He.. told me he couldn't stay for my own safety and I never saw him again" she sighed

Does it mean I have a chance?

"He promised he'll be back and here I am waiting" she finished.

Okay then, I don't know what to think anymore😂

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