Red Hulk

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(A/N: he's not Ross okay? The red hulk is someone else this time)

N.G (p.o.v)

We were playing in the pool. I was on Thor's shoulders while Jan was on Hank's.

I didn't get to know her since she was on a mission with hank the other day and they have  just arrived today.

Me and Thor were winning the fight. But to my surprise, Hank pushed off Thor. He lost his balance and I fell off his shoulders.
I was going upwards when someone kicked my stomach. All the air I had inside left me and I passed out.

I thought I was dead. I kept feeling some things going on around me but I couldn't wake I dead?!

(A/N:that's me when ever something weird happen I always imagine I'm dead😂)

Just then I felt some light on my face and a hand suddenly brushed my cheek.
I opened my eyes...and it was Bruce.

"Hey..." He said.

"Bruce?" I managed to ask, my voice rough "what....what happened? "

"You fell off and fainted" he said with concern "I just took you here to keep you warm"

He saved me. But I'm not ready. I don't think I can talk to him. Not now at least. I attempted to run away.


He smiled at me but I didn't give him a chance. I got up, ready to leave fast!!

Just when I opened the door. He held my waist. I could feel the heat in my face as I blushed.

"Please" he begged "don't leave, gorgeous"

Oh !! He used to call me that a lot before! I can't give in. I looked at his hand and back to him.

"Leave me.." I demanded, but I could hear the sadness in my voice.

"At least listen to me..." He said, not moving as he held me.

Listen to what he has to say, okay, Natasha.

I shook his hand off and went to sit on the bed not looking up.

He went to bring something and came to my side holding a white shirt and a cup of water. very thoughtful,huh?

"Put this on" he gave it to me "I don't want you to get cold" his voice held all the gentleness and care.

I took it. Not obeying him just...don't wanna talk wearing a revealing swimsuit.

"Please,look at me" he begged.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry..."

"Yeah I heard that before." I said sarcastically.

"N.G ...please" he begged yet again "I didn't mean for this to happen. I miss you. Every day I wake up I feel regret that I left you. Realizing you were the only one that would have helped me"

I closed my eyes as I held my tears back. Don't cry..don't cry!!

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked quietly.

"I was a coward okay?" He lowered his head in shame.

He just called himself...a coward?!

"I thought I was keeping you safe like this" he clenched his fist "I realized that I screwed up, pretty bad "

"Where did you go?" I asked, not wanting to hear apologies but answers.

"Many towns" he said "when the avengers discovered me, they came to help me"

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