#3 What?

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(Sky's POV)

Ow...... my head hurts. Where am I? I open my eyes once again, to see a new room, with objects around me. I try to sit up, only to fall back down. I stare at my arm in shock. I have an arm!? I look at myself, to see that I have two arms with hands on the end. Luckily I can see claws on the tips of my 'fingers'. I have no fur, except long and shaggy 'hair' on my head. I don't know how I know what these things are, but I do. I see a shiny surface on the wall, and recognize it as a mirror.

I examin my reflection staring back at me. A black and gray 'shirt' is around my torso, slightly ripped in a few places. The sleeves are cut off, and an X is marked on my shoulder. Black 'shorts' are around my legs. I don't have any shoes, I think that's what humans were on their feet. With a jolt, I realize that's what I am! Human. Something hits my chest after my sudden movement, and I look to see an amulet hanging from my neck. There is a purple gemstone in the center with a yellow metal on the outside and chain. A word pops into my head for the metal. Budder! The word makes a smile appear on my face. My face feels weird and confused about the unfamiliar gesture.

The strangest thing about 'me' though, are my eyes. One was green, and the other yellow, both slitted like a wolf's. Along with my claws, I have my black ears and tail. Wow, I look strange. But where am I? Who am I? I feel a slight head ache, and then I hear a faint voice.

'Wait, what!' I think to myself
'Sky!? Can you hear me?'
'It's a voice! But it's in my head?'
'Sky! Please answer! I'm hear to help!'
I try to send my thoughts out ward, as I think, 'Hello?'
'Oh thank god you can hear me. I haven't talked to you in so long! I thought maybe I couldn't anymore'
'W-who are you?'
'Oh, I'm SkyWolf'
'But that's my name!'
'. 'No, your name is Sky, let me explain. When your a wolf, you basically are me. I'm the wolf. When we're a wolf, we are the same person, so you can't hear me. Right now you are human and wolf, so I can talk to you. When your human, your you, and can't hear me. I know that its confusing, but your just gonna have to trust me. And before you bombard me with questions, keep in mind, I only know what you know, and what I've experienced.'

'So....... are you me?'
'In a way. Humans and wolves think differently, so I'm you with with wolf thinking, while you think like a human.'
'Oh....... so do you know why I have you and why we can change into a human or wolf?'
'Sorry, no clue. But I do know that a human took you out of where you were before.'
'Weird, why would they do that?'
'I don't know, but I think you should turn fully human.'
'Because they are less likly to kill you then'
'But I won't be able to hear you! And I don't know how'
'I will help you if anything bad happens, and I can also help you shift between forms'
'I can't think up anymore excuses, so I guess I agree with myself'
'Good, see you later, Sky'
'Bye SkyWolf'

I look into the mirror, and see my wolf features disappear, and my one yellow eye turns green. Now what. I push myself up, so that my arms are holding me up, my legs bent. I stumble off the bed, trying to figure out how to walk with my long legs. I walk around on my hands, my legs have to be bent to enable me to walk on all fours. My amulet dangles from my neck, reflecting the light from the ceiling.

Just when I get the hang of moving around my human body, I hear footsteps approaching the door. I press my side up against the wall, growling my threat. I see the human from last night half opening the door. When he saw me, his jaw dropped and he stared at me. I growl some more, snapping him out of his trance. I look down at his hand, to see what smells like rabbit. He also looks down at the meat, and back to me. I can tell he is considering not giving me the food, for a reason I don't know. Before he can react, I lunge forward and rip the rabbit from his hands. I quickly dive underneath the bed, my prize held firmly by my teeth. I squeeze myself under, but it's a tighter fit then I thought. I'm a lot bigger now. The human stumbles back, but quickly shuts the door, I hear a click and receding footsteps. Smiling in victory, I sink my teeth into the raw rabbit.

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