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"We love you Tarou-senpai!!!"

Squeal, as the hordes of women or fangirls swim tightly together. Different brands of perfume mashed up making a nasal malfunction up your smelling area.

A typical scene alright.

"Thank you, thank you people!" - He waves at them, Thanking them, and smiling them.

"Hiii!!!" - The crowds of fangirls screaming towards his eardrums.



As the sounds of cameras swarming around him like a swarm of bees on mating season.

"Mr. Tarou!"

"Will you be willing to answer my question?"

"Is the rumor of your secret girlfriend true?"

Inside, there are reporters to talk about this star.


"Later please." - He answers both of their questions while not even finishing them.

The one getting all this attention from is Tarou. A man so famous he was nominated in the Oscars for best actor despite not starring in any Hollywood movies.

He top the charts in foreign markets, getting viral on the net, and won an award for it.

Many normal people cannot even have nightmares of his success.
With him been on billboards, commercials, and movies. He is indeed the most famous man in Japan.

With this, he started building up his own buisness in clothing and beauty products, and is even rumoured to be venturing in real estate.

"Mr. Tarou, will you please answer my question?"

Meanwhile,"Sir, the vehicle is here." - Says one of the bodyguards beside him.

Since he has more Important things to do, he has to get back to his car.

And to finally stop the pesky reporter, "And no, i don't have a secret girlfriend. In fact, that's my sister your talking about." - He answered her blunt and simple.

Walking along with his bodyguards, he last smiles and waves his hands at them before getting in the vehicle.

"Mr. Tarou!"



"We have a question!"

"Will you answer for us!"

To stop the growing crowd of reporters in front of the car. Tarou and his bodyguards hurriedly went inside.

With bodyguards in check, he closed off the door much to the dismay of his fans and paparazzi.

"Mr. Tarou do you two siblings have a incestuous rela-"

[Oh, i forgot to close the door handle.]

And off they go.

"Quite tiring today too." - In the car, he looks at the window seeing pictures upon pictures of himself in some poster or in some bottle of water, In a cereal box. Or in the clothing lines. He's everywhere.

[My face. All i see is my face.] - Although being a celebrity royalty, he still hates how he's been seen as some ad to be slap on everywhere. He frowns, but gets over with it quickly.

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