Laxus x Mute!Shy! Reader (Request)

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(A/N: This was requested by Winter_senpai)

A young girl was running into the midnight forest. Her heartbeat was speeding up, while she could hear people shouting.

"(y/n) GET BACK HERE!"


Using some of your magic, you thought hard of teleporting. Next thing you know, you were in a peaceful part of the forest.

'Phew. I finally got away from them.'

Your magic is Earth Dragon Slaying. Which made you very special to the people of your small town.

The animals from the forest approached you. You just smiled and slowly got to the point where they trusted you. They allowed you to pet them.

-A Few Days Later-

The Thunder Legion had a job to do today, so they left the guild early. The flyer said that they needed to go into the forest on the North side of Fiore. So that's where they headed to.

Laxus's POV


We entered the woods and walked around.

"They don't expect us to find someone in these woods, right?"

"I don't even have her scent. It's useless."

"Laxus you can do it! I believe in you!" Freed cheered me on. This boy was annoying.

I didn't answer him.

A bush was slightly rustling to our right. It seemed like I was the only one who noticed.

Then I went towards it.

Pushing the bush out of my way, it lead to a grassy clearing.

There was a young girl laying there. Her hair was a soft (h/c) that went well with her (s/c) skin. She was wearing a nature dress, which had shades of green leaf patterns.

The dress was a little torn in parts, as if she had been running. It was pretty fancy just for some runaway town girl. She had to have been important.

The beautiful girl started to wake up. Her (e/c) eyes met mine and she panicked.

Not saying anything, she backed away.

"I'm not going to hurt you."I told her, putting my arm out.

"The name's Laxus. Laxus Dreyar."

She was still scared.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl wouldn't speak. She grabbed a feather pen out of somewhere in her dress.

Then she took a piece of bark off the tree and started to write something down.

I went to her and looked over her shoulder.

'Hello Laxus...

My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm sorry to worry you. I'll be leaving now.'

After she set the bark down, she started to walk away.


I grabbed her arm and she tried to struggle to get away.

"Can you speak?"

The (h/c) girl shook her head.

Her face was a little red.

(Y/N)'s POV


This random man was holding wrist and not letting go!

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