To Start Off....

11 0 5

Crush: hah! Are you crazy?! Of course I'm not gonna tell you!!!!!

Middle name: Venita, also the name of my street.... and my grandma.....

Height: eh, to lazy to mesure but its probably around 5 foot

Shoe size: Why do you people care about my shoe size?!?!?! ARE U GETTING ME SHOES FOR CHRISTMAS?!?!?!?

Eye color: goes in beetween a light hazel and darkish brown

Last time I cryed: like.... 2 days ago for literally no reason....

Biggest fear: needles and other really sharp things...

Last song I listened to: I cant lie.... Levins music box... (but right after it was natsu's no theme)

Last person I texted: DAKA-MacMayron

Favorite app: Youtube! (what were you expecting)

Thats all for now, feel free to ask me more questions I guess..... if this wasnt good enough.... 😓

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