Fallen Angel

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"Travis meet me at the hill later okay?" I hung up the phone and sighed. Ugh what's with this vision I keep seeing? Almost every time I close my eyes I see myself in a dark room and I her whimpering of a young girl and I walk over to her and I raise my hand to her and it's flowing with dark aura and I start choking her and she has tears running down her face and I start laughing as I slowly wring the life out of her. I shuck my head, I would never do anything like that to a child ever! I sighed as I walked to the hill I put my phone in my pocket. Out of nowhere I heard a loud thump. "Who's there?!" I yelled out. I looked to my left nothing but grass and trees to my right I saw a semi large box with the words written on it Xbox one for Shaun Hurt II "Hell yeah!" I grabbed my pocket knife and I cut open the box.. But to my surprise it wasn't a Xbox it was a little girl she was tied up legs and arms and her lower body was covered in blood she had a rag in her mouth and I was shocked she had no cuts so where did this blood come from? I was terrified I picked her up out of the box, sat down and put her in my lap I untied her arms, took off her gag and on her back there was a birth certificate it showed she was 6 years old and WHAT THE FUCK!? I stared at the birth certificate and it had my name on it written like how I write! Oh my god my mom is going to freaking kill me if she sees I have a daughter! Who is the mother?! Who the hell put her in a box!? I was in an outrage. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when she started crying "Hey hey shhh shhhh" I rocked her in my arms she opened her eyes and when she saw me she was terrified I guess when my mom told me I look scary with this Mohawk she was right.

"Who are you?" She asked wiping the tears from her eyes.
"I'm Shaun you?" I said.
"I'm Uhh I don't remember they called me so many" she had tears running down her face.
"Well what were those names?" I asked.

"I was called Uhh bitch... Uhh cunt-" I stopped her

"Uhh no those aren't names how about Hayla?" I asked.

"Okay!" Her face lit up.

"Why are you covered in blood?" I asked.

"Urrmm I don't know" she sighed

"Okay are you hungry?" I asked.

"YES!" she cried. I smiled okay maybe I won't get in trouble for having a daughter.

"Can you stand?" I asked. She tried getting up but she fell and hit her knee on a rock she started crying. "Ooh come here honey" I picked her up "I'll just carry you okay?" I said as I put the birth certificate in my pocket I climbed out of the hill and walked home while brushing her hair "Mom I'm home!" I yelled. How am I going to get her in my room without my mom seeing? "Honey can you be quiet?" I asked she nodded. I rushed past my brother he was too busy playing and I rushed up the stairs and past my mom's room and I grabbed a towel and set her on my bed "Stay here I'll get you some food okay?" I said, she nodded "Shaun come here!" My mom yelled I walked out my room and I shut the door and walked to my mom's room "Oh my god!" She got up and she saw the blood on my shirt oh crap...

"What happened to you!?" She ran to my room to get a shirt and when she turned around she screamed "SHAUN!" My mom stared at Hayla. Well fuck I'm screwed, I walked to my room and she looked at me "Did you kidnap this child?!" She yelled.

"No mom this is ummm..." I was interrupted. Hayla jumped off the bed and she hugged me.

"This is my daddy!" She smiled.

"She you she... You"

Thanks Hayla for blurting that out...

My mom fainted.

"Oh crap..." I sat down and Hayla crawled up onto my lap "You're my daddy right?" She asked me.

"Yes" I responded.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now