Aas you can see by the title, this isn't a chapter but rather a list of tributes. Special thanks again to JoshuaMartell for being the one to inspire me with incredibly kind words to make this chapter. Oh and just FYI the little asterisk by some peoples' names means they are Youtubers in case you want to check them out. (Although I bullshitted most of their names)
District 1: Calvin Johnson, 14 and Allison Pheiffier, 16
District 2: Mitch Hughes, 18 (BajanCanadian)* and Meena Pearsons, 16
District 3: Adam Skai, 17 (SkyDoesMinecraft) * and Tiffany Quake, 18 (IHasCupquake)*
District 4: Elliott Morgan, 17 (Elliott Morgan, previous member of Sourcefed)* and Meg Turney, 16 (also a previous member of Sourcefed with her own channel, Meg Turney)
District 5: Felix Kjell, 18 (Pewdiepie)* and Trisha Hershberger 16 (Member of Sourcefed)*
District 6: Eddie Cardona, 16 (Slyfoxhound)* and Rachel Kip, 15 (MissRachel)*
District 7: Jerome Crowder, 17 (JeromeASF)* and Cynthia Drodson, 14 (Cynthiaraa)*
District 8: Jackson Garrison, 14 (CrankedUpGames, also a pal of mine with a very small channel, check him out if you want but don't tell I sent you c: ) and Emma Howason, 13
District 9: Lewis Brindley, 17 (BlueXephos)* and Hannah Clark, 16 (YogscastHannah)*
District 10: Melvin Ifiry, 17 (Melifiry)* and Doxy Roze, 15 (Zer0Doxy)*
District 11: Nathan Smith, 17 (NateWantsToBattle)* and Lee Newton, 18 (Member of Sourcefed)*
District 12: Joshua Martell, 18 and Ashlee Marie, 16 (AshleeMarieGaming)*
Broken by the Games
PertualanganWoot! Youtuber hunger games! Don't really intend for this to be a Merome but I may change that later on. Anyways, enjoy!