Chapter One

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The sun comes up and shines in Bobby's face. His cheap plastic window absorbs all the light and makes it heat up dramatically. Hopefully the trailer doesn't catch on fire. That's been known to happen. He drags his hand along one side of his face and groans.

A knock on the door announced someone was here. He quickly got up to answer. The knocking got louder and faster.

"Des?" he asked seeing her tear streaked face through the screen on the door.

"It happened this time. They actually kicked me out because they don't want me with you." she said hugging him.

" The hell? I've done nothing but treat you well and try to take care of you. Why don't they like me?" He asks his expression tense.

"They know you use heroin. I know that too. I've seen the needles and everything. They wouldn't listen when I tried explaining." she cried on his shoulder.

" I've never pressured you to do it! I only tweak maybe once a week. It's not even that bad." He says annoyed.

He pulls her small body toward him and kisses her forehead gently. She smiles a bit but her eyes are still sad.

"We'll run away from this place. Get away from our problems." he told her.


"Promise." he smiled making her cheer up a bit.

" Can I stay here for the night ? It's cold outside. I think it's going to snow."

As if on cue a small snow flurry drops out of the sky as well as a strong, cold gust of wind. She shivers.

He brings her inside the house. Closing the door after her. "Where's your stuff at?" he asked.

A small tear runs down her face. " They took all my stuff and burned it. I don't have anything left. They burned it all. All my books, and records, and clothes. I have nothing."

"You have me left. And all the other stuff you did leave here at times."

Her body spasms as she sobs and her knees buckle sending her sprawling onto the floor. Her breathing gets faster and it sounds like she's choking to death.

He picked her up and took her to his room. Setting her down. Trying to calm her down.

" Hey baby, it's ok. They don't deserve you. Calm down. I'm here. Breathe." Bobby says hugging her close and making circles on her back. This happened often when she got really upset.

She instantly calmed down. He sighed and put a hand on her face. "It's fine now. I know that we'll get outta this life and make a new one in another better life."

" We can be whoever and whatever we want. As long as we love each other nothing bad can happen. That's a fact. I love you Des and I'm sorry this happened." Bobby says kissing her gently.

"But you need to stop your addiction. I know you would never pressure me to do it but I need to know that you're done with it."

" Of course baby. Whatever you say I'll do." He promised.

"I love you Bobby." she said smiling at him. He saw the love in her eyes and hugged her again.

" Love you too Des. Let's go get you cleaned up. You have blood everywhere."

Des looks down and sighs. Another nose bleed. Of course it had to happen again. Stress would probably eventually kill her one day. She didn't take it well.

"I'm fine. I can do it on my own. I just don't want you to do everything for me." she said when he tried helping her with her nose bleed.

" Baby let me help you. It's partly my fault anyway. I also want to take care of you. Please let me?" He asks pleading with his eyes as he holds her hands in his large ones.

"You can but this isn't any of your fault. It's mine. And you already take care of me plenty. More than you should."

" Thank you." He gives her a small smile as he wets a towel and starts cleaning the bright red liquid on her face. She looks at him with adoration and visibly relaxes.

"We need to get out here. Out of this town and to a new life. Just me and you." she thought out loud.

" We do. I just have to save up some more money so we can afford rent on a nicer place than this. You don't really want to live in a trailer do you? I don't really want you to. You're my girl and you deserve much nicer than this."

"I know. But you deserve it more than me. I lived in a big house that I finally got kicked out of. You lived in here for a long time. You deserve it more Bobby."

" Nah. You deserve the world. Don't think no different." He says pulling her on his lap and puts his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry baby but I think it'd be best if you got a job too. We can get out of here faster and I don't want you to get depressed staying in this piece of shit all day."

"I know that. But I have some money that I brought with me. Maybe fix up this trailer or something."

" Let's save our money. This piece of crap doesn't deserve any money to be put into it. Baby I can have a job set up for you, no problem."

"My friend already hooked me up with a job when she found out." she replied.

" Then its settled. We work for two months and then we leave yeah?" He asks gently like it was a suggestion.

"Yes please." she responded agreeing with him. "Whatever for a better life."

Thanks so much for reading!
J and I really appreciate it.
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