Chapter 2

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Bobby looks at her smiling and gets up grabbing her hand, " You hungry? I can make you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry... I'm starving." she laughed.

Her stomach growls loudly and he playfully puts an ear to her stomach. " Oh no! Babe you have a monster in there. I'm afraid the only cure is to make you some quesadillas."

She laughed and kissed him. He went to the kitchen and she watched him thinking how lucky she was to have him. Especially since the night she met him, she could've met someone else.

That night almost five years ago, she was supposed to meet her friend's set up date but instead she accidentally bumped into him at the party her friend was throwing. She ended up ditching the date and hung with him because he was fun to be around.

That night he was also supposed to meet a different girl but he saw her and ditched. They laughed and talked all night until the cops made an appearance at the party. He helped her get out of there and get back to her house.

She thinks about that all the things that happened that eventful day as he puts butter in a pan and turns on the ancient stove in his kitchen. It makes a strange noise and she giggles. Bobby turns around and shoots her a wink before turning back to the tortillas.

"Remember that night we met? Or is too much to think about?" she asked walking to him.

"Yeah I remember it. Why?"

"Just asking."

" I'm just glad I saved you from that asshole. Why did you even go out with him in the first place?"

"I didn't even go out with him. He was just thinking things."

" Well he almost raped you so apparently he thought something. Or did you forget?" He asked his shoulders tensing up.

"I never dated him. Never ever in my life. My friend tried to set me up with him but I found you." she said rubbing his shoulders. Making him relax.

" Sorry baby. I just get so pissed when I imagine his dirty hands on you." He says as he melts cheese onto the tortillas.

"The only person who can touch me is you. I would've been with him if you were like maybe a few inches away. Be glad I bumped into you."

" I am." He says in a frustrated tone as he puts the tortillas on plates.

"I know you are." she said kissing him and grabbing a plate from him.

He smiles at her and starts to eat ravenously like he hasn't eaten in days. He probably hasn't. She watched him and ate slowly. She was really hungry but she just felt different inside.

" Baby, you've gotta eat. I don't want you to get even more hungry," Bobby says with a worried expression.

"I know." she replied eating.

Bobby finished eating and smiled at his girl. She was so cute with soft brown hair, a petite body, and dimples. He puts her in his lap as she eats and says sweet nothings in her ear. This was going to work out. It had to.

"We're fine." she giggled when he started thinking to the point where she could tell he was. Bobby smiles at her and turns her around to face him. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle as they drank him in.

"I know." he winked back.

She playfully slapped him. "Stop thinking baby. We'll be fine." She said looking into his eyes.

" How can you be so sure? I'm not even worth the sacrifice you made. You gave up everything for me." He says looking at her in adoration.

"I gave up everything because I'm in love with you. You're worth all of it because you make me feel special. We've been together for a long time and I felt like I've known you since childhood. I love you Bobby and I know for sure that everything is going to work out." she explained.

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