Chapter 4

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"Chill. It's just me" Bobby chuckled.

" Baby, shouldn't you be at work? It's only nine in the morning." She says looking at him concerned. Her face contorts in worry as she feels his forehead.

"I left my keys home so I was walking back to get them for my break before I left for my second job." He says reassuringly. " Then I saw your fine ass walking in the street and couldn't resist coming over to you,"

She blushed and he smiled. "Too much?" he asked seeing her expression.

" It's never too much coming from you babe. I have to hurry or I'll be late for the bus. You do anything stupid and so help me God I will beat your ass up and down this street. Got it?" She says raising one eyebrow.

"Woah. That was too much." he said raising his arms up in surrender.

" It wasn't too much. Comment on my ass all you want. But I catch you skipping out on work or doing drugs I will do what I promised. Be good and you might get a surprise later," she says winking before giving him a small chaste kiss.

"I'm not going to try anything. And I'm not skipping out on work because I'm on break time." he smiled.

" Go get your keys and I'll see you at home. Remember if you're good a surprise will come your way. Be bad and suffer my wrath. Now I'm going to get on the bus to my job. Don't be an asshole." She says smacking his butt before heading off.

"Love you too baby!" he shouted starting the walk back to the house. A smile came across his face and he couldn't shake it off. So he left it.

Destiny gets on her bus and sits next to an elderly woman who's knitting a sweater.

" That's really pretty. I love the colors," she says to the woman. She looked over and the woman gave her a smile. " Thank you dearie. I'm making my grandson's baby some clothes,"

" How old is the baby?" She asks curiously. Destiny loves kids. It's always been her dream to start a family and live in a nice house. Bobby and her kids would be so cute. If he even wanted kids. She's never asked.

"He's only about five months." The woman says affectionately. She sighs and gives Destiny the biggest smile she's ever seen. It radiated happiness and seemed contagious as she felt the corners of her mouth turn up. " I hope that one day I'll have kids," she says biting the inside of her cheek.

" I'm sure you will dearie. You have a boyfriend? Not meaning to pry or anything." The old woman says.

" Yes I do actually. His name is Bobby," Destiny says her mouth turning up at the corners just mentioning his name. Butterflies flutter in her chest still as she thinks about him. She hopes that this feeling will never go away. Her love for him remained strong for him even after five years of dating.

" I'm sure he'll want kids with you. You seem to be quite in love with each other if I can tell by the expression on your face," the lady says wisely.

Destiny nods and looks out the window, seeing her stop come up. " Thank you for the lovely conversation, this is my stop."

" Anytime dearie. Have a nice day!"

As soon as the bus stops she gets off and climbs down the stairs. Her mind is focused on Bobby as she walks. Hopefully she can scrounge up enough money to buy meals to put some meat on his bones. He was getting a little bit skinny. His health was her concern so she made sure to work hard today.

His day was doing fine till he felt that familiar feeling that drove him to want to take the drug again. But he shook it off and kept working. Only a few more hours of work left before he could leave back to his trailer he calls home. Last week he hit max on overtime so leaving was the only option.

As he left a girl comes over and runs a tiny hand down his chest. " You want some fun big boy? I can show you a good time," she says attempting to be seductive.

" Aye, I don't do that shit. I have a girl at home and I ain't cheatin no matter what so take that hand and run it down some weak fucker's chest." He says pulling the whore off of him proceeding to walk home. Girls just don't understand that he was taken. No matter if she was a prostitute trying to pull a trick. He kind of felt bad for her so he went back and put a twenty down on the sidewalk. She needed it more than he did. He couldn't imagine coming home to a pimp every night with no chance of love. Her daddy might even abuse her. He didn't know.

After he finished that he basically ran back to his trailer. He didn't want to miss his girl getting home from her first day at work. Destiny was beautiful and he couldn't imagine her with some other man that wasn't him. It would probably kill him if she cheated on him.He couldn't imagine his precious girl becoming a prostitute. She couldn't take the beatings and stress. Her nose would bleed too much and he knew that a daddy wouldn't take care of her. At that moment he vowed , yet again, to keep her safe no matter what the cost to him was.

Destiny comes home a sweaty mess. Her hair is matted to her head and her shoulders ache from cleaning and taking people's orders all day. As soon as she came in the door she groaned and flopped face first on the beat up leather of the couch.

" Bad day? You look like you went through a garbage dump before you came home. Smell like it too," he says playfully plugging his nose.

" Mmmpphhhmm," she says her voice muffled by the couch. " What was that babe? I can't hear you since the couch is eating your voice,"

" I'm not in the mood Bobby. I'm fucking tired." She says groaning as her muscles stiffen painfully. Bobby picks her up and gently sets her on the bed while he gets the shower running. As soon as it began to grow warm he gently starts to strip her and sets her underneath the warm stream of water. She sighs as he rubs body wash all over her and massages her tense muscles.

" Thank you baby. You take care of me so good." She mumbles feeling extremely drowsy and depleted. He nods and picks her up like a child, drying her off and then changing her into her pink hello kitty pj set. Once she was dressed he carried her into the kitchen and sits her down on the couch as she sleepily runs her fingers through his hair. Running over to the kitchen, Bobby grabs the ingredients to make chicken and corn.

When the food is done he prepares a plate for her and him. She takes it with a smile. He doesn't eat right away. He makes sure she eats first but she looks at him.

"Bobby just eat."

"I'm waiting for you to eat first."

"Bobby. You need food more than me." She counters tiredly her eyes drooping.

" We'll both take a bite together ok? On the count of three we both eat and we both win," he says smiling.

They count down together "one... two... three." they said before taking a bite.

"Just makes me happier." He shrugged happily.

"You're so weird." she laughed with her eyes closed.

"You should worry about your own health more than about my health. I can take care of myself. You're tired and I don't want you to worry about me more than yourself. I'll take care of us both." he said.

She shook her head and protested slurring her words from tiredness. " Baby, please just eat your food. Health is important. Food makes tummy happy,"

" I think it's time to go to bed now. You can barely keep your eyes open. Come on," Bobby says trying to drag her dead weight off the chair. It's hard to do since she's basically limp.

"Tomorrow, don't wear yourself out." he said when he finally got to the bed, pulling the comforter off so he could lay her down. She was in bed and fast asleep when he finished cleaning up the dishes.

This moment to him was priceless, her resting face was always what he loved seeing. To him she was his angel and light sent straight from heaven.

"I love you." he whispered kissing her head after he got in next to her. Another day at work was what he worried about for her. To him, he thought she shouldn't be working this hard for him, but she wanted the best for him. Which was to stop using the drug he used many times before and during their relationship.

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