Chapter 3

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Bendy's P.O.V: 

The tracks end in grass. I look up from the ground to see... nothing else left of the tire tracks. I growl loudly in frustration. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Alice with a face of determination. I sigh and I get back to my feet, she pulls me into a sudden hug. 

"We'll find her. Don't worry." Alice ensures me, I feel tears sting my eyes and I let it all out. I'm so paranoid of (Y/n). She must be through so much torture right now. Crying and terror all over her face. I can't stand seeing my princess in pain. I sniffle and I gently push Alice away. I smile to her as she gives me a simple yet caring grin. 

"Thank you Alice. I-I needed that." I reply to Alice kindly. Then the unexpected just happens in my face. Alice pushes her face forward and kisses me. I know I shouldn't do this, even when (Y/n) isn't around. But something sparks in my head and I begin to kiss back to her, Alice approves of this and gladly gives me access to her mouth. I slip my tongue into her mouth and Alice moans lustfully. I hear a gasp, Alice and I stop to see Boris with his face in shock. I shake my head and place a finger on my lips. 

"YOU JUST CHEATED ON (Y/N)!!" Boris says in disapproval. I sigh in disappointment and I get away from Alice. What the hell am I thinking?! If (Y/n) finds out she's going to kill me. I sigh, Boris uneasily comes closer to me and Alice. He's holding an old newspaper, it has small rips and is slightly dusty. Boris opens up the newspaper and shows us a certain page in it, "I found where (Y/n) is." He shows us both the page and there is a picture of (Y/n) on the entire page.

" He shows us both the page and there is a picture of (Y/n) on the entire page

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(A/n: I know I'm reusing this but please don't judge me! D:) 

"Cartoons are proven real, world's first real life living cartoon named (Y/n) is here in (Your city/town). Can be found in the laboratory, 'Laboratory L.H.F.C' is where you can met this cartoon now."  Boris reads aloud to us. Oh perfect! First she's taken away from me, now she's a tourist attraction?! Oh hell naw! I snatch the newspaper from Boris and I scam the lettering of the page. Trying to find the address. 

"Ha! I have the address! Now let's get moving!" I say confidently, Boris grunts as Alice hurries to my side as I start to move forward. Boris slowly follows and grumbles faintly. 

"(Y/n)'s going to know eventually." 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V: 

"Okay (Y/n). Are you ready for your test shot?" Professor. (B/n) asks me, another shot. But, at least this won't be so bad right? I sigh sadly and smile weakly as I hand him my right arm. He smiles and takes my arm, "That's a good (Y/n)." In a snap he injects the needle into me and injects the serum into my body. He takes his notes and drops his pen. He snuffles through his stuff and takes something off his desk. He walks over to me and swings the thing into my face. I hope it's not that dreadful-. 

"Please tell me it's not grape." I say in a dramatic and sad tone. I lay down slightly and put the back of my hand on my forehead for extra affect. The professor chuckles at my drama and shakes his head. 

"Nope, if fact it's you're personal favorite." The professor tells me kindly, I stop my pose and I sit back up. 

"(Your Favorite flavor)!?" I ask in happiness, this is my all time favorite flavor! To me, nothing can top it! I turn to him and he nods, I happily take the lollipop and I rip off the wrapper and begin to suck it. Yummy! Man, I thought this would be horrible! Looks like I have luck on my side for once! I suck the lollipop some more. The professor gets a call from his phone, he talks a bit, and hangs up. He turns to me happily still sucking my lollipop. He taps my shoulder and I twist towards him. 

"You have some more children to visit you. I know you've been seeing lots recently, so it's okay if you want to decline this-" 

"It's no problem. After all, I do LOVE being with little kids. Reminds me when I used to have younger cousins. So it's no sweat, I got this in the bag." I say confidently, I know at the top of my mind I'm mostly shy. But, when it comes to younger kids and there funny behaviors. I'm the master. I pass down all the other scientists and chemists. They all say a happy 'hello' or 'hi', I reply with a sweet 'Hiya!' or 'Hey!'. All these people are so nice and respectful of me, I thought at first glance of this place. I'd be living in a nightmare, then, it turns out you shouldn't judge everything by the colors. Just dig a little deeper and you'll see the real beauty. I get to the end of the hall and I open the lab doors open. I sneak behind the front counter and I see (G/n) working the front desk shift today... perfect! I sneakily and quietly creep up to (G/n)'s chair, I climb it carefully and I cover her (E/c) eyes. 

"Guess who!" I sing to (G/n), she places a finer to her lips pretending to think about her options. 

"Is it.... (Y/n)?" She asks, I smile and I remove my hands from her eyes. 

"Bingo!" I say cheerfully, I hear children squealing in excitement. I look up from (G/n) head to see a group of kids eyeing me with amazement. I smile to all of them and give them all a little wave. This group is luckily not as big as the last one, still. I have to do my magic, I hop of (G/n)'s head and I land in front of the younger kids as I kneel down for landing and my glove hands supporting my sides. I stand up and I can see stars in all of the kids eyes. Most look from ages 3-5, while there are a few that look 7-10. Still, I love all kids. 

"EEEEP! She IS real!" 

"Wow! A REAL cartoon character!" 

"Yep! That's me! (Y/n) the bunny, I can gladly answer all your dying questions. So hit them up!" I say happily, all the kids squeal again as some even faint from excitement. Some parents have to drag there kid out the fray. I look at all the kids to pick from, they all raise there hand and I pick a random boy in the group. He smiles happily then regains his cool. 

"So, d-do you have your o-own show?" He asks me. 

"That's a good one! Hmm.... I'm afraid I haven't you see. I'm just a brand new character. Then my creator decided they didn't want me. So into the scrap bin I go." I sadly say, some kids whisper some low 'sorry's. I smile, I know this isn't all true. But I can't just have my real history be discovered! I'll just tested on more painfully, even no matter how hard the professor tries to make it painless. 

"A-Anyways! Onto more questions!" I snap myself out of my deep thoughts as I hear more kids squealing again. It makes me smile to see all these jolly kids. 

A/n; Nya! Janis_Neko here! And here is chapter 3 for this sequel! Wow! 3 chapters for this one book in one day! What are the odds of that! Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying this chapter. And sequel. I hope this comes out just as strong as 'Crimson Ink'. That was a huge hit! So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to work on the next for all of you beauties!! 

Until the next chapter..................BYE! :3

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