Kill: Alice

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Bendy's P.O.V: 

I can't stand Alice anymore, she's the reason why (Y/n) and I broke up. I have no drop of mercy for Alice. I tighten my fist holding the knife close to me, I take one last look at Alice. 

"YoU'Re TiME Is uP." I say demonically. I slash the ink knife in my hand down into Alice's chest. Making her scream in pain as I see ink leak out and drip down her dress. I can't help but smile as I see her suffer. I draw the knife downwards as her chest opens and shows me her inky organs. I start to break her rib cage. Allowing me into the rest of her intestines. I decide to pull out Alice's ink heart and I drop it to the ground. I stomp my foot on top of it and I send all the ink flying everywhere. I lift my foot to see Alice's ink blood on my shoe. I look back at Alice with dead eyes, I smile at my accomplishment. Now that Alice the pest is gone, I can have more time to focus on getting (Y/n) back. I hear a sudden gasp from behind me. Crap, I forget that Boris is still here. Witnessing the murder of Alice. I get up from crouching and I see Boris with traumatized eyes. 

"Bendy... Y-YOU KILLED ALICE!!" Boris exclaims in a scared tone. I sigh and I roll my eyes. 

"Alice was nothing but a piece of crap to (Y/n). She had to go, I'm not losing (Y/n) to another boy. Or me trying to be flirted by another girl." I explain to Boris. 

"Okay, sure! BUT WAS KILLING ALICE REALLY NECESSARY!?" Boris question yells at me. 

"Yes, Yes it was," I say plainly, I swipe my hands together to try and get rid of any left over ink from Alice. I only get a result that makes the ink on my hands smudge each other. I look at my hands and I rub my pointer finger and thumb together. I separate them and I see a thin yet thick strand of ink attached. I wipe the string off onto my coat and I see Boris with a uneasy look, "Look Boris, If you think I'm going to kill you. I'm not, and I have my reasons. One: You are my best friend. Two: You haven't tried to break (Y/n) and I up, so I don't worry about that happening. And Three: (Y/n) only sees you as a good friend and that's it. So, that's my reasons to not kill you." 

Silence rains upon Boris and I, I sigh and I turn back to Alice to see her body melting into a big puddle of ink. I hope (Y/n) isn't being treated wrong, I swear I will not kill just Alice. 

I'll Kill EVERYONE in the world if that's what I need to do to make (Y/n) happy. 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V: 

 I twist the knob to (B/n)'s room. I see the door is unlocked, so I guess that means he's gotten the call from the front desk. I swing the door open and I immediately flop face first into the ground. I being to cry as I feel someone pick me up with there hands under my armpits. I open my tired eyes to see (B/n) with a worry some face. 

"I've heard, the teens are I believe someone you've met before?" He asks me, I simply nod my head and I sigh heavily. I refuse to look into his eyes. 

"One of the teens, is my ex-boyfriend. I-I just couldn't handle any of this. I-I..." I sob rapidly as I lose more ink from my eyes. I then cough as I feel my head getting light. My eyes flutter as breathing becomes more softer. 

"(Y-Y/n)? What's wrong?" (B/n) asks me, I choke on my own words. My throat feels so dry... 

"I-I'm losing.... s-s-so" I cough out. I feel the veins inside me weaken as my eyes close slowly. I feel like my life is passing away, A tube is pressed to my lips and I gulp down the wet substance. Strength comes back to my body and my eyes reopen to light shining into my eyes. I bolt up and I turn to (B/n) who has a tube in one of his hands. I blink a little and I image out a tube of ink. He looks at me then at the ink tube. 

"You must need ink to survive (Y/n)?" (B/n) asks me eyeing me with seriousness. I sigh and I nod my head. 

"Y-Yeah, I need ink to live. If I don't have any ink... then I'll just vanish like nothing's ever happened." I say sadly, (B/n) puts me down onto the metal doctor's table and turns away to write something down on his clip board. 

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