Intro (Becky's POV)

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My name is Becky O'Neil. I'm 13 and live in London with my aunts and cousin. They've always been talking to me about falling in love and everything and it irritates me too much.

But today is my last day at school. Why?? Because scientists from NASA say that an unknown planet called Cybertron is heading straight for us in 3 days. Cybertron is where the alien robots are from. I even have a friend who is from Cybertron. His name's Hot Rod. He has a French accent that's kind of funny and cute at the same time. But he's like a brother to me.

He always posed as a '78 English Opera (A car I made up). It was always all black just the way I like it. And sometimes he poses as a familiar actor named Tom Cruise.

Anyway, I was watching the news about these huge horns sticking out of the ground and all I could hear was laughter and talk about men over the TV.

“Sweetie, look at this one. He's looking for females who are into dancing. That's totally you.” Aunt Grace said as she showed me the picture of the guy.

“Aunt Grace, this man is 23. I'm 13.” I said giving her a look like 'are you crazy or insane??'

“Hey, it doesn't hurt to try.” Aunt Grace said as the giggles of her 3 other aunts and her big cousin was heard. I gave her a look of disgust before I got up from my chair and ran out to Rod's alt before getting in.

“Everything okay, little lady??” He asked in his French accent as I felt tears well up.

“Rod, I hate my aunts and cousin. They're so irritating.” I said with frustration as I covered my face with my hands. I heard flickering and a soft hand placed on my shoulder.

“It is fine. You are like my family, little lady.” He said as I uncovered my eyes and saw his human form.

“Thanks, Rod. What's this??” I asked as I saw an envelope on the seat.

“An urgent message for you. We need to go to Sir Edmund Burton's location.” He said as I nodded and smiled before giving him a hug. He was the only person who understood me and that's why I loved him for that.

“Well, let's go on a trip.” I said as I buckled my seatbelt and Rod's human form disappeared. The car roared to life before it sped off.

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