Ch. 1: Merlin's Descendant

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Becky saw two men. One who was a lot older than the other. And one who she recognized.

“Hey, you're Cade Yeager. The guy who helped the Autobots. I was always such a big fan.” Becky said as Cade raised an eyebrow.

“Why??” Cade asked curious as to why a kid like Becky is so interested in the Autobots.

“Well, my cousin's friend had a guardian who was an Autobot.” Becky explained as Bumblebee's spark jumped.

“Was---his name---Sam---Witwicky??” Bumblebee asked as Becky nodded. Bee started jumping around in happiness but calmed down once he saw that all eyes and optics were in him.

“So, what are we doing here??” Becky asked as Edmund came to realization and told them to follow him. Cade, who looked like he just wanted to leave, looked around the place and saw pictures and stone figures of passed down generations of Transformers.

Becky looked at a picture of a robot who looked a lot like Bumblebee.

“Hey, Burton. Is this Bumblebee??” Becky asked as she pointed to the picture.

“Indeed. He was the one who helped take down the Nazis in Germany.” Edmund stated as Becky took a glance at Bee, who just waved through the window.

“But he seem so nice.” Becky stated as Edmund shook his head.

“He may have been called friendly, but he was never called nice.” Edmund assured as Becky felt a bit scared to the core.

“This is where the original Knights sat in the early ages.” Edmund said as the trio and Cogman walked down a couple of stairs and walked into a room that had a table with weird pictures, symbols, and words on it.

“Hey, I recognize this symbol.” Becky stated as she pointed to a huge shape on the far right.

“Its Pangaea. The super size Continent. Formed around 65 million years ago. When dinosaurs reigned the Earth.” Becky narrated as she touched the table. All of sudden, images started popping into her mind.

King Arthur.
The 12 Cybertronian Knights.
Optimus Prime.

She gasped as she pulled away. Breathing heavily while doing so.

“What did you see, kid??” Cade asked as Becky looked at him. She didn't know what she saw or what she did but she was in mental and physical shock.

“What just happened??” Becky asked as she looked at her hands then at Edmund.

“It appears that it is true.” Edmund said as he stared at Becky and the table.

“What my master means to say is, it appears that the Descendant of Merlin, the rightful wizard of the staff, is you, Becky O'Neil.” Cogman rephrased as Becky just stared at him.

“What are you-” She interrupted by alarms blaring. She looked outside to see a line of police cars heading their way.

“TRF.” Cade mutter to Becky as he grabbed her hand and ran out of the castle and towards Hot Rod and Bumblebee.

“Rod!!” Becky shouted as she pulled out of Cade's grip and climbed into Rod's alt mode.

“Let's get out of here, Bee.” Hot Rod said as he rode off, having Bumblebee following closely behind.

“What are we going to do, Rod?!” She shouted out as Rod thought about it.

“We need to get your house.” Rod said as Becky knew why he was.

Becky always shared stories with him about how she loved the stories of Merlin. He was a famous wizard who had the power to destroy anything in his path. Now realizing this, her breathing increased rapidly.

'Lets hope we get there in time.' She thought as she heard the fade sirens of the police.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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