Back to school

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Amanda P.O.V
A lot has happend yesterday and i am so happy as i have one of the best experiences so far. As soon as i woke up that next day i had to tell mum.
"Mum you won't believe what happend yesterday" i cried.
"Good morning to you too" she laughs. "Go on spill".
"So i sang a song with conor and his manager liked it very much so he likes me and has signed me to a record lable!" I blurt.
"That is amazing i am so proud after years of hard work you desevre this!" Mum smiled.
"Thanks mum" i said and i looked at my phone to see laura text me.
"Oh mum i will be out for a bit so i will come back later".
"Ok" mum said. "Have fun"
"I will" i smiled and got dressed and went out with my purse and phone at hand.

When i met laura it was about conor's birthday which the suprise party idea sounded like a good idea! Then conor phoned to ask if i was busy so i told him to come with us two. After a bit it was fun but laura had to go.
"See you both later" she smiled.
"Bye see you tomorrow'
"See you at home"
So it was just me and conor.
"So how lucky are you another singer in our school then?" He smiled.
"Oh you know i would leave fame til later it's all about my singing you know" i tell him.
"Exactly singing matters most and it is good to have fans already" he says.
"Yeah any way it is good hanging out with you, you know your such a good friend" he smiled.
"You are two i mean i feel like i have know you for years and to be honest i see past the guy who is a famous singer i see the real you" i smiled back.
"Everyone sees the real me" he laughs. "It's on loads of my brothers youtube videos"
"Yeah sorry that was the wrong thing to say"
"Maybe it was maybe it wasn't but still i am Conor Maynard after all and not some stranger"
"Yeah everyone in our school should know you"
"Yeah but i have been really quiet recently"
"What with music? Your joking right?"
"No i mean with albums and stuff i have released two albums but i still have a lot to record which is why i am going back to LA for the summer to see Anth you know"
"Oh yeah i mean it sounds great you getting to do all this fun things like Write songs then they become real"
"Yeah well that is part of the job any way we should get going now."
"But what about paying"
"I will deal with it"
I walk up to the counter and the same woman was there.
"Hey conor what can i do for you?" She asked.
"Well i was wondering if my friend here you sound soon know her" i smiled.
"I mean can she get everything she had on the house too?"
"Yes of course" she smiled "happy to help you".
"Ok thanks bye now" she said.
I was about to walk out the door when...
"Conor!" I called.
"Yeah?" He answered
"You nearly left your keys and your phone" i tell him.
"Sorry" he said "thanks for getting them for me".
"It's ok any way what you got planned for the day?" I asked.
"Nothing much but i guess i will see you tomorrow?" He said.
"Yeah sure" he nods.

The next day i woke up really early for school. I had nothing much to do so i text laura seeing if she was awake.
Hey laura u up?

Yeah i am well i am kinda failing to go back to sleep

Oh ok should i leave you to it?

No it's fine i mean the boys will be up at 7.00 so yea another hour

Oh ok so just you then

Yep just me

So any way i will see you at school and txt u later?

Yeah sure

At 7.00 i got out of bed to get ready i could wait to get the bus stop and wait for the bus to see all my friends it would be so exciting. So the morning sped by and i had to get my phone ready my blazer on and my bag to go on my sholder. At that exact moment mum comes down stairs.
"You sure your coat won't be ideal it is november after all." She tells me.
"Ok mum yes i will put my coat on" i nodded and grab my coat out of the cupboard and said bye to mum before leaving to go to the bus stop.
Heyy the bus is on it's way so better be there quick.

I laughed of course i always set of before the bus comes.

I am here don't worry
Just as it sent the bus pulled up and i get on and run to the back to see conor and laura.
"Hey you two!" I smiled.
"Hi we thought you would be late" laura jokes.
"Ha ha very funny but no i am here now" i tell them.
I was really happy now that things were going the way i want them to this is the usual good morning i have.
"Here we are the gloomy bus ride to school shame it's not halloween still" conor sighed.
"I actually love halloween it was a good night!" I sighed.
"Exactly i had so much fun!" Laura said.
"Well not long till the next one i might go on tour when the new album is out which might be late next year"
"Next year conor you serious!"
"Your joking right?"
"No i am not joking now come on let's get off and go to school i want to get this day over with."
"Same" i agreed.
There was something i also noticed. When laura got off the bus after we left conor and said bye she was really chatty with caspar when we went over to our friends. So i started to walk away when the bell for tutor went. Then i hear laura.
"Hey wait up!" She cried and i stopped as she caught up.
I wanted to make fun of her a little but all she said that her and caspar were only friends.
I wasn't sure i think they like each other but we will just have to see about that...

Conor Maynard: More than friendsWhere stories live. Discover now