valentine's day

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Valentine's day was coming i didn't know what to do. So looks like me, jack and laura are on the same page for this.
"What am i supposed to get a boy!" Laura cried.
"Laura you have two boys with you right now" jack sighed.
"Oh yeah" she laughs. "Well come on conor what does caspar like".
"A song!" I cried. "Sorry what did you say".
"Ughh conor your useless" laura sighed.
"Sorry i am getting too destracted." I smirked.
"Conor! Don't do that i won't let you off lightly" laura tell me.
"What you going to do any way" i laughed. "Now come on i know exactly what me and jack are going to do"
"What we going to do?" He asked.
"We are going to get into our best suits, get chocolates and flowers tomorrow at school and take the girls on a date" i suggest.
"Brillant idea you know what i wish i was a boy" i sighed.
"Well we can sort something for you now come on" i smiled. "We have some work to do."

I wake up for school that morning realsing i am not going to be wearing my uniform, but a suit instead. I actually felt really nevrous and that is a really rare feeling i have but it will just have to stick with me.

"Conor you ready?" Jack asked.
"Yeah just putting my tie on" i tell him.
"It's like it's your wedding day" he says.
"That's a while off but sure ok that makes me so much better" i sighed.
"Conor come on if i can do it you can too" jack sighed.
"Your right it's not going to go wrong at all" i nodded.
"No she loves you conor nothing will go wrong with camanda right?"
"Camanda?" I questioned.
"Yeah we kinda made a ship name for you and amanda..."
"Wow thanks to you and you gang i kind of like it" i smiled.
"Ok so how we going to do this without letting the girls know?"
"Well we act normal"
"And the suits?"
"Oh, yeah um i got this!"

So in the end we disided to take an uber to school.
"Now this is how to arrive in style." I smiled at jack.
"Oh yeah it is conor what would i do with out you bro"
"I don't really know" i said. "Any way lets get to the point of this".
Ok yeah lets go."

Amanda P.O.V.
I was a little worried about conor. He wasn't on the bus and he hasn't text me since yesterday. And weirdly karley came over.
"Hey karley what's up?" I asked.
"Is conor here?" She said.
"No why?"
"Jack isn't here where they not on the bus?"
"No not on the bus either."
"For fuck s... oh my god!"
"Look it's conor... and jack in.... SUITS!"

Conor P.O.V
They looked towards us and start to run towards us.
"Hey boys" amanda grins. "So come on what are you both up to."
I cleared my throat. This it conor.
"What day is it amanda?" I asked.
"Wednesday why?" She says.
"No it isn't just wednesday" i shook my head.
"Oh shit... valentines day.... conor i am so sorry i..." she stampers then i put one of my fingers to her lips.
"Shh... look this doesn't matter right now" i said. I give her the flowers and chocolates. "Happy valentines day" i kissed her, this is only the beginning.
"Oh my god conor!" She gasped. "Thank you so much!"
"No problem, this day is all about us and the suit idea well lets just say i think it was the best idea i have came up with."
"Conor i won't lie you look hot in a suit!"
"Oh i do, do i?"
"Yes any thing you where is hot"
"Thanks am"
"No problem maynard"

School was finished. I was fit to burst but i kept the suprise secret.
"Amanda" i asked her.
"Yes" she said.
"I want you to get ready to come out with me tonight meet me at 5 then it the suprise will be releaved.
"Ok then Mr Maynard i will meet you" she smiled.
"Thank you" i smiled back. I can't wait.

So i decided to change my jacket to the one with maynard on the back  (the one which amanda gave to) then got rid of my tie and undone my top button. I looked better than before. Now the hard part. The hair. I remember amanda saying she loves my messy hair but maybe it is time to make it look more smart. No maybe not. I don't know i will leave it just once my hair can be so untide. Then all of a sudden i heard music? Is it? It is... can't say no
"Girls girls girls they just can't say no" laura laughs.
"Yes exactly" i laughed. "Some girls are naughty, some girls are sweet, one thing they got in common they all got a hold on me"
"Conor Paul Maynard!" Laura pretends being shocked. "Such a player!"
"Well i was once" i laughed. "Now look where i am".
"Yep" she smiled, "good luck con"
"Thanks lau" i smiled.
I am ready for my date.

"So where we going?" She asked.
"You will see" i smiled.
"Ok?" She said in confusion.
So we are in the uber on our way to the restaurant and i am actually more nervous than I was before.
"Conor you ok?" Amanda asked me.
"I am fine" I nodded.
"Ok you look like you're scared or something" she tells me.
"Scared?" I laughed. "No I am ok".
"Just checking" she shrugs.
"Ok, anyway I think we are here" I said.
"Yeah we are" the driver nods.
"I will pay you when I get back" I tell him.
"Oh you're alright there is no need" he said.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Of course now go on have a good night you two" he said.
"Thank you sir" I said. "So you ready for dinner?"
"Conor!" She cried. "This is too much i got you nothing yet your giving me loads today!"
"This is never too much" i smile. "Now come on our first date awaits."
"Ok ok Maynard" she laughs.

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