Garden escape

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After 30 minutes the cotillion ends and i say my goodbyes to my friends and Bens parents.

I patiently waited for ben on the boat but the castle servants started to clean the boat's deck so i move towards the railing of the ship to look at the bay infront of i stare off into the sea looking straight towards the isle of the lost.

I was so deep into my thought that I didn't realize Ben was right next to me until he placed his arms around my stomach which made me jump in the air and turning to face him.

"Hey, beautiful why so jumpy?" He asks wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me closer towards him.

" Oh I was just thinking and you caught me off guard" I mumbled back getting lost in his eyes as he did the same to mine.

"....about ?" He questioned never losing eye contact I bite my lower lip and let out a little sigh "About us and what happened on the Isles" I turned away from him.

But Ben being ...well Ben he uses two fingers to turn my head to face him

" What ever happened earlier today Mal is now the past we should start focusing on the future we have together sure we will face many troubles but hey that's life right ?" He responds giving me a serious look

I give him a smile in return "I love you and don't you ever forget that" he says as I cuddled into his chest and he kisses me on my head.

We stand in silence in each other's arms for a few more minutes until one of his staffers interrupts our moment and pulls Ben aside to discuss his schedule for tomorrow I roll my eyes because it hasn't even been an hour after the cotillion and I can't have his attention for 30 minutes.

As he continued to talk with the staffer I decide to leave him and head back to school as I began to head up the stairs of the yacht he begins to call me "Mal! Mal! where are you going " he yells.

   "I'm leaving what else do you think I'm doing!" I yelled back clearly irritated, I exit out of the yacht and begin walking back to Auradon prep I begin to walk on the dirt path that was right next to the enchanted forest and tiny bulbs of lights shine my pathway. 

 until a path on the side of the forest caught my attention it was a pathway of neatly trimmed trees and bushes making a path with lights on the ground and on top of the tree branch ceiling, it was truly beautiful. 

 I walk in curious to know what was on the other side of this path and as the further I went in the more mesmerizing it got with flowers I never seen before blooming from the side of the bushes but was more breath taking was when I reached the end of the path in front of me was a huge hidden garden with a swing that seemed as if it was magically floating in the air and on the right side of the garden was a pond and to the left were some old picnic benches and a dimmed light that came from at least 50 fire flys.

 I walked to the center of the garden and twirled around in my gown making me feel like an actual princess I smiled to myself " its beautiful isn't it " a voice suddenly came from behind me and I jumped into the air not expecting anyone.

my smile falls as I turned around to find the last person I would expect to see in Auradon Harry " how did you get off the isle" I asked completely shocked " it doesn't matter as long as im here right? ' he says walking towards me and I take a step back.

  "Mal you can't deny the love we have for one another" he says walking even closer to me and as I try to take a step back but I run out of space so I run trying to get to the exit but Harry quickly grabs my arm and pulls me towards his body " you aren't going anywhere darling" he whispers in my ear and he snakes his arm around my lower back and grips me harder and I begin to panic.

  with his free hand, Harry begins to caress my cheek and I flinched at his touch and out of nowhere he leans in and our lips lock for only 2 seconds and I pulled away shocked and with all my strengths I pushed him away from me.

" HARRY WHAT THE HELL !!" I yelled wiping my lips with arm and spitting on the floor " Oh come on darling I know you liked it" he says grabbing me again and kissing me as well but his time he holds my head so I wouldn't escape his embrace and  I began to feel one of his hands move from my head to the back of my dress and he begins to unzip my dress.

I begin to panic, this cannot be happening right now I thought Harry was half way down when I kicked him where the sun does not shine and he lets go of me and falls down to the grown groaning in pain.

" YOUR A SICK BASTARD !!" i yelled and took this opportunity to run but as I was half way through the path I twisted my ankle and fall down thanks to my heels I scream in pain but then the panic starts to come back as I hear loud footsteps right behind me and without thinking I stand up and begin to run at this point I didn't care about the pain I just feared for my life.

 I had finally made it out of the path when I heard Harry just a few feet behind me and I began to break down into tears knowing I was about to become Harrys little slave and out of a miracle a car lights started to shine in the distance and I started to wobble onto the road screaming help.

my hair was a mess and my dress was sliding off my body and I had cuts from my fall and my make up was smeared, my crown was hanging from a couple of my locks of purple hair and I was covered in dirt. 

the limo immediately stopped and the farthest door of the vehicle opened and Ben jumped out and ran to me and I began to cry harder because i knew I was safe, " Mal  what happened " Ben said holding me in his arms " it was Harry " I cried collapsing in his arms and without any words he picked me upped and took me into the limo.

as we looked out of the window there he stood at the entrance of the path smirking and out of breath was Harry. after a five second stare between Harry and Ben, Ben demanded the driver to drive to the castle and fast.

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