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"Oh come on! You know you love me!"

I traced my hand gently over the bruise on my skin. My face hasn't had any tears till now. My cheeks are caked with dirt. I feel miserable. One moment I was sharing a kiss with Natsu and the next, I am getting beaten by my own father as he shuts the door on Natsu.

"Don't you get it?! He is not and will never be good enough for you!"

He is and has always been good enough. You were just never good enough for him. He deserves better. A tear slipped down my cheek as I stared longingly out the window. Birds chirruped gleefully and I heard the slight laughter of not only children, but adults too. I hoped they were having a good time. I hoped none of them were ever hurt like me. I wished I could be out there, watching the clouds or curled up reading a good book at a café. I imagined what I would be doing if my father hadn't gotten back from his business trip so early.

"You're beautiful, Luce."

I slumped over, resting my head in my arms. I felt weak. Vulnerable. My legs and mind writhed with unknowing pain. I knew what was coming. If I died today I hoped it wouldn't be in vain. Then again, I thought I would die every time this happened. I wonder if this is what mother felt? If Natsu didn't exist maybe I would've comitted to death already... I wish I could just die already. I can suffer through this though. I won't die. Not yet. As long as I get to see Natsu one last time... As long as I make sure he is okay one last time... I attempted to steady my breath before going back out to face him. He would break into the room sooner or later.

"Lucy Heartfilia, get out here!" His voice boomed.

"You are forbidden from seeing that bastard!"

I trembled with fear, as I heard clawing at the door. Blood seeped from my arm and I sobbed silently. What did I do to deserve this? Why? Mother never deserved to die or be abused. I wondered if there was a time when Jude was a good man to her. I severely doubted that thought.


"Lucy! You god forsaken child! Get out here, now!" A thud came down on the door. A few more punches and the door would break. Maybe my bones, too. I knew he would definitely force me to choose between Natsu's death by his hand or to destroy my relationship with Natsu. I knew that most would think they were dumb threats, but with his amount of money and good reputation, you were pretty much a god. I chuckled. Either way I would lose him forever, wouldn't I?

"I just wanted to-"

I cried onto the table and stared out the window daringly. The children were still laughing. I should shut it. They shouldn't have to hear me. I wonder if he wouldn't find me if I hid on the roof would he? Of course he would find me, that's too naive, the neighbors would start yelling... If I fell out the window that would be even worse. He would end up murdering Natsu instead. I closed and locked the window, walking with a limp as if my fragile mind would break any second. I wished to be safe, away from this place. Maybe I should move to the apartments. He would find me sooner or later though, wouldn't he?

"I just wanted to say that I-"

It was too late now, I would never escape. No one would save me. Not now. Not after he saw me kissing him... Jude wanted me to marry a rich kid so he could have access to my spouse's money.

"I just wanted to say that I lo-"

With a swift crash and thud, the door came down and in stumbled Jude. I cursed to myself as I saw the belt. It seemed to glow in his hands.

"You thought you could defy me like Layla did?!" Jude cursed. I sobbed louder, angering him. "You thought you could escape like that- that bitch did?" My bedroom door lay half broken. Shards of wood covered the place. "You damn idiots always thought you could get away with anything!"

My mind darted to the kiss. It was soft and gentle on my lips. I remember it being wonderful until I saw my father, Jude Heartfilia, standing in the background, jaw clenched and anger in his eyes. No, not anger, fury.

"Just like how your mother thought she could get away with fucking another man," Jude growled.

His clothing was that of a business mans, esteemed and perfect. It was perm pressed and if he wasn't abusive I might've just respected him... However his eyes... They resembled that of a murderer's. I ambled backwards, tripping on a shard of wood. I felt a swift kick to my stomach. I coughed up spit that draped ever so disgustingly over my shirt. My lip began to bleed and I tasted it in my mouth.

"This what you deserve." I felt another kick, except this time it was to my breast. I screamed, feeling the pain of having the air knocked out of me. I desperately crawled backwards.

"I love him..." I choked, feeling saliva and blood pool in my mouth. Jude roared in anger.

"You don't even know how to love! How could you ever know?!" Jude struck me hard with the belt. It struck my stomach and knee, leaving a stinging feeling. I yelped, clutching my stomach. "More!" Jude yelled angrily. He struck my back multiple times and I screamed in agony.

"I just wanted to says that I love you..."

I yelled for help, for anyone or anything as he pumelled me to the ground. Tears poured down my cheeks and he laughed maniacally.

"Cry me a river dear daughter, just like how your mother did the day she died!" I sobbed in pain, knowing I would never escape this. I smiled through my tears causing Jude to hurt me even more.

"At least I... Protected him..." I mumbled through the screams.

Before I could tell, everything became a blur. My screams meshed with my tears which meshed with the blood that came down off my arm and back. Soon I felt Jude give up. I breathed shakily, blood coming from my mouth. Tears were pouring down from my eyes which felt strained and tired. I would be able to sleep when Aries came in to fix up my wounds.

"Worthless bitch of a daughter... I haven't even been able to make any money off of you. Break up with the boy tomorrow by sundown. Got it?" I nodded as Jude left the belt on the floor. His voice was a low growl and he wiped sweat off his forehead with his arm. "I said got it?" I coughed and my voice sounded hoarse but I managed to whisper.


"I didn't hear you," Jude hissed, placing a foot on my neck.

"Yes!" I choked. It dug into the nape of my neck. He pressed his shoe down on my neck as he stared angrily towards me. "Yes!" I screamed, coughing up more crimson saliva. It was streaked with blood. I hated the taste. I looked up, tears pouring from my face and Jude grinned.

"Good." He turned and walked away and I spit up more liquid as I tried my best to breathe. A few minutes later some of the butlers and maids came in.

"You came for me," I whispered, smiling weakly.

"O-Of course, Lucy! I'll fix you up right away!" Aries replied panicked. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner! I was on an errand but as soon as I realized no one else was here, I came as quickly as possible!" I grinned, trying to smile like Natsu does. So genuinely and funny. He had a way of making people happy and easing their pain even in the worst of times. I guess I am losing him tomorrow though, but it's for the best... As long as he is alive. Maybe he can find another girl... A better girl... Yeah, one that isn't bad like me... Okay... That sounds good... Natsu... A tear slipped from my eye as it had earlier. At the beginning of this whole mess. It trailed down onto the floor. I felt sore and my head ached with pain. Aries would fix me up. She'd get Loke and everyone else and they'd fix me up. "L-Lucy?!" Aries screamed in fear as my eyes fluttered shut.

"Goodnight, Natsu... I'll miss you..."

A Fire Once Burned «Second Place in the Fairy Tail Awards 2018!»Where stories live. Discover now