Mall Surprises

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The next day


The mall was pretty crowded for a Monday afternoon in Magnolia. Most adults were working, and kids usually had homework to do, but people seemed to forget about that and just gather happily at the mall. We were certainly no exception. All seven of us had projects due by the end of the week, but we didn't bother with them today. We just chatted happily and enjoyed our time together. It was nice.

Although, Yukino and Minerva did kind of wander off on their own a few times. They were always rather isolated from the group even before they became official.

We sat down on a bench near one of the maternity stores Juvia had us set on going into. It seemed like the girls were more excited about this then I was. Minerva, in particular, was very hyped, but Yukino just seemed uncomfortable. We chatted about random stuff, just Juvia, Erza, Mira, Levy, the couple, and I. I think people walking by might have been annoyed at how loud we were, especially Erza and Mira.

"Hey, Mira," Juvia asked suddenly. "What's Lisanna~san doing today? She hasn't gotten her driver's license yet, right? Is she with Elfman?"

"Oh, no, Elfman is visiting his girlfriend." She smiled happily. "I had to drive Lis here."

"What?!" we all screamed.

"Why didn't you tell us? Where is she?" I asked frantically.

"Oh, relax!" she replied, shrugging it off. "She's not a baby! She knows how to take care of herself. She's only a couple years younger than us!"

That is true, I realized. Well, as long as Mira's not worried. "Is she here to meet anyone? Or did you just not trust her all alone in the house?" I asked.

"Actually, she is here to meet someone!" Mira replied, looking off behind us. "Here she is, now!" I looked in the direction Mira was and I saw Natsu and Lisanna walking into the maternity store together. My heart dropped.

So much for a nice Monday, I thought. The two of them didn't seem to notice us as they walked in, which I was relatively thankful for.

"Hey, Lis, Natsu! Over here!"

That is, I was thankful until they snapped their attention to us when Mira shouted at them. Lis skipped over to us and hugged her big sister happily. She still managed to hug her sister tightly. She was probably only about two months in, but I'm about half that and I'm nervous to hug anyone lightly. Natsu and I made eye contact for a brief second, but we both quickly looked away. Natsu hesitantly followed Lis and walked over to us.

"Hey, guys," he said nervously. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well-" Mira began. I quickly cut her off.

"We're just sitting here. On this bench. Talking. Loitering. Loitering's bad. We're breaking the law. Yes, that's what we're doing." Natsu seemed suspicious.

"Okay... There are plenty of other benches where you can loiter... And break the law... That isn't in the middle of nowhere. This is kind of in the way back of the mall. You'd only be back here if you need to buy something. Any reason you're sitting here?" he asked. I drew a blank. We didn't really have a good answer to that. I flushed and stood up.

"I'm leaving. I don't have to listen to you tell me where to sit." I stormed off to who knows where. I just wanted to get away from the happy couple, and away from him.


I watched as she walked away from us. I was completely dumbfounded. What in the hell is her problem? I glanced back at the maternity store and wondered why she was here. There has to be a reason, right? They can't have just come here, to the depths of the mall to sit down. I thought about running after her, and I was about to when I realized she was out of sight. I silently cursed myself for not running after her sooner or pressing her further about why she was there.

"W-well," Lis said, trying to clear the air. "Since we're all here, why don't we all go shopping for baby clothes and maternity stuff? You guys can help me pick stuff!" She jumped up and down excitedly. The other girls happily agreed. None of them mentioned Lucy, but I figured they knew she needed space. I did spy Levy texting Lucy, though. I wonder what about...

"Hey, Natsu," Erza called. "Will you be joining us on this endeavor?" I shrugged.

"I was gonna do this with Lis anyway, so, why not?" They clapped excitedly and dragged me inside.

I just hope Luce is okay.


I walked through the store, looking at cute baby clothes and trying not to break a sweat at the cost of things here. I hope Lucy~san is alright, I thought nervously. I knew she would be, deep down. I just knew she needed space. Natsu showing up probably didn't help matters much.

"Juvia?" I blushed at a familiar voice. I turned around to see Gray staring at me with confusion. "What the Hell are you doing here?" I went silent for a moment, embarrassed to be in this kind of conversation with Gray. I snapped out of it though and chuckled.

"What am I doing here?" I repeated. "What are you doing here? I highly doubt you need any of these things, Gray." He blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Natsu dragged me along with him and Lisanna. Fire brain is too embarrassed to do this alone." He turned even redder. "I went in before the two of them as to not make it seem like a threesome." I blushed. "But what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with some of the other girls," I replied.

"You're not... I mean... You aren't..." He turned fifty shades of pink in a matter of two seconds. It would've been cute if he hadn't been talking about that. I blushed suddenly when I realized what he was getting at.

"N-no! It's nothing like that!" I insisted, shaking my head and waving my hands. "I just... Um..." I can't tell him Lucy is pregnant! And he would know I was lying if I said I came here with Lisanna! What do I do...

"I-I just... I wanted to see what maternity outfits and baby clothes looked like, s-since that will hopefully be in our futures." Wait, did I say...? My eyes widened. "W-wait, did I say 'our futures'? I-I meant my future! Yeah! Th-that's totally what I meant...!" God, I am such an idiot! I can't believe I would say something like that in front of him... This is so embarrassing...

"W-well, hopefully, this isn't soon in your future," Gray started. "But I think you'd look cute in that blue dress."

I looked up to see a pink Gray. His cheeks were pinker than Natsu's hair. It was rather impressive. He looked down, averting his eyes. Before I could say anything, he spoke again.

"I have to go," he said, turning and walking away. "Natsu will be alright without me here."

I stared blankly at the air for a moment, even after he was gone. There wasn't a whole lot else I could do, with a pitter-pattering heart like mine.

Well, I thought. Isn't that nice to know?

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