Chapter 1

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                           Y/N pov

     It's been about a month or more since that idiotic Black Hat took over the planet, so far I've gathered up a decent amount of assassins, people who's towns were destroyed, what's left of what was once the army, and people who want to fight for a better tomorrow. So far we've set up a base underground with quite a few tunnels to get around to do what we need.

     As I sat in a chair fixing the bow I had once made one of the men that were on our side walked in with the taser arrows, tranquilizer arrows, and grenades that I needed to reload for the next time they would be of use. "Here's your ammo Ms. L/n" he said in his low British accent. "Thank you, please leave them by the door for me" I responded grateful that they were here. He then nodded then left. I walked over to the box of supplies left for me silently, there was no noise but my combat boots against the cold concrete echoing in the room all around me.

Black Hat pov

I was in my office looking out of the large window with my hands folded behind my back, only me with my thoughts flying left and right fast as bullets. 'These little revolutionaries mustn't get into my way, Especially whoever this mysterious leader is.' I thought to myself as all was quiet "S-sir?" I sighed and turned around so that I was facing the same skinny man with the brown paper bag and goggles placed on his face. "What is it flug?!" I said my raspy voice sounding cold as ever. "O-one of the camera t-towers was shot down again, h-half of the U.S is without our S-surveillance." I slammed my fists onto my cold wooden desk. "IT WAS THOSE DAMN REBELS AGAIN!" I yelled. I couldn't take it anymore, they just kept coming back and taking out our weak spots! Flug let out a small shriek of surprise from my sudden outburst and dropped the clipboard he had held that contained the events he had just told me of. "I-I'll see to it that the cameras a-are up and running as soon as possible sir." He says as he picked up the clipboard and scuttled out of my office.

I pulled up the footage taken before the camera tower was taken out in L.A. I watched as an arrow whizzed right into one of the guards protecting the tower 'They use weapons as simple as arrows?!!' I thought as I continued to examine what was in front of me. The guard then was seen with blue sparks around him as he spazzed out then collapsed onto the sandy, dry ground. I continued to see this happens until all of the guards were taken out and were lying in the earth of where they once were guarding. "What the..?!" Was all that came out of my mouth as someone walked over to the door of the tower with a sugar skull like mask with not even near vibrant f/c markings on the mask, as well as a beanie of the same color covering up the figure's head. I closely watched as three figures in all black trailed closely behind in similar masks. I then watched as the first figure fiddled with the wiring of the tower until it all shut off and the tape went black. I sat there slightly surprised at what I had just witnessed.


     Hi guys! So ummm yeah I kinda had this idea for a book to write professionally and actually try to publish outside of Wattpad but first I wanted to test out the basic scenario of it with an x reader to see if it's received well by the readers first! I hope the first chapter seems good 😊

It's a revolution I suppose (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now