Chapter 17

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Surprisingly enough this Tahm Kench fellow was more useful than Kayn had anticipated, and in less than normal ways too. As agreed he got the group over to the other side of the Swamp. The three were corralled into his frighteningly large mouth where they uncomfortably sat in careful disgust. But it did the trick. He took them deep into the murky water under the boggs and fallen trees. They must have been scoring the very bottom of the swamp because as Kench swam it became cooler and cooler, suggesting they were leaving the warm surface that had been baking in the sun all day.

They reached land and Kench had unhinged his large jaw to allow them to crawl out mostly unscathed save for their now damp clothes that reeked of his fishy dinner. He had unloaded them a couple hundred feet away from this camp. It was surrounded by makeshift docks and dimly lit jars of fireflies. In the center of it all stood a rickety old hut with smoke billowing from it's chimney. It looked like whoever was here now had been here for some time.

"How long have they been here for?" Kayn whispered.

"This group? a couple weeks." Kench's thick accent rumbled from the pit of his stomach. "They invaded the chump that was living here. Not sure where he went, but they took over his home and land." Kench shook his head in disgust. "Poor sap."

Kayn nodded as the story began to piece itself together. "About how many of them would you say?"

"Maybe a dozen. They come and go, usually bringing more with them. But it sounds like those plus-ones aren't there by choice based on your story." Kench said as he picked his teeth with his nails, his tongue wiping them clean.

"So what's the Plan?" Petra finally spoke. "How are we going to do this?"

"I've got a couple ideas. Just follow me and stay quiet. I'll explain everything to you when it's time."

A loud shriek echoed from inside the hut and Soraka perked up. "That was Lulu." She was frantic, her eyes darting left and right. "We need to get in there!" She was raising her voice. "We need to get Lu-" Kench laid a big hand over her mouth.

"Hush now, darling. You're going to get us all killed." He slowly released his hand from her lips and made sure she was calm.

Kayn slid through the tall brush on the edge of the water. There was one person that guarded the door, it looked like the same guy that had been pacing at the edge of the swamp earlier. He was sitting on the steps of the hut peeling an apple and popping slices into his mouth. It was a young kid, his skin was dark tan, his hair was in a tall white mohawk. He stood out like a sore thumb and Kayn was surprised with how young he looked. He began sizing him up and devising a plan.

"Petra start placing crystals along the edge of the water. Do what ever you need to get yourself prepared. I need you prepared." He made direct eye contact with her. She looked terrified, but still she nodded and crept away, laying crystals of varying sizes in her wake.

"Kench, I want you to get into the water and try to lore this kid out onto the dock. Take Soraka with you, and don't make too much of a commotion."

Kench nodded "Can I eat him?" He asked.

"Wh-what? Ya, ya sure. Whatever you want. Just don't draw too much attention to yourself."

"Delicious." He growled, grasping Soraka's small hand in his and pulled her into a corner by a tree. "Stay here, girly. Help when you feel it's needed." The creature lowered himself into the water, his yellow eyes faded into the darkness of the swamp.

"What about you?" Soraka asked, crouching down next to the trees.
"Don't worry about me. Try and keep them alive." Kayn disappeared into the brush, all of them now split up with their own tasks. Kayn hoped they could handle it.

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now