Chapter 11

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Petra's hand was bleeding badly and it seemed to only get worse. Kayn brought her inside the house and began to care for her.

"This is becoming a routine thing, isn't it?" He smirked, ripping the bottom of his cloak that hung loosely on a nail that stuck from the door frame. Kayn wrapped the torn rag tightly around her palm and wrist to restrict the blood flow until Soraka returned.

"You'll be ok," He grinned, lifting her hand to his lips to place a cheeky kiss upon the tattered fabric.

"I hope it's not routine." Petra blushed. The pressure of the make shift tourniquet felt good against the gaping hole in her hand and for a moment she cherished the attention Kayn was giving her, even though it was he who caused the need for attention.

"I want you to keep this." Kayn tore another, thinner strip of fabric from the cloak and wrapped it securely around the tiny object. He had saved the crystal shard that he had impaled her palm with and turned it into a necklace. "Use it as a lesson. Your own power can always hurt you." He draped it over her head so it hung nicely at her bust.

"So I should wear my lesson?" She scoffed, brows furrowed at his odd 'gift'.

"You should begin carrying crystals with you at all times. Think of it as if you were carrying a gun with bullets." Kayn wanted to make sure she knew she would be expected to fight at any time, and he figured giving her a form of permanent ammunition would indirectly suggest that.

Suddenly, and seemingly out of no where, Petra slapped Kayn's face as she remembered it was in fact him that caused her pain. It was hard and the skin-to-skin contact echoed with in the walls of the home. "That's for stabbing me." She hissed, her attitude shifting at the drop of a hat.

Kayn's head cocked and he bit his lower lip, admiring the strength and assertion she put into the shot. He cracked his neck and paused for just a moment, eyes fixated on her's. "Mmmm." Was what he managed out before lunging at her, his hands finding her wrists. He held her arms over her head like he did when they were fighting but this time the intent was far different. 

An off-guard moan escaped Petra's lips, surprised by his quick and forceful movement. "Don't ever hit me unless you're prepared for the consequences." He growled, his free hand wrapped tightly around her chin so he knew he had her full and undivided attention.

"And what are the consequences?" Petra's voice dripped with defiance. She wanted to know all about the emotion she had just provoked for it had intrigued her beyond comprehension. Up until now Kayn had kept his cool with much more serious situations than a simple slap across the face, so what was it now that had provoked him?

He licked his lips, his tongue rolling back into his mouth as he bit down. She watched as he chewed at the inside of his cheek, almost as if he were deciding right then and there what her punishment would be.

"Well?" She asked after she became inpatient with his pondering, her arms still tightly held above her head.

Kayn smirked and all at once his lips came crashing down onto hers. Petra's hands writhed in bliss under his grasp, her body arching forward to meet his. He still cupped her face, but as she began to kiss back his free hand raised above her head and leaned against the wall to steady himself. He kissed her passionately, absorbing every feeling he got from the meeting.

Eventually he let go and her hands fell around his neck, meeting behind his head. Kayn lifted her body, her legs warping around his torso. He pressed her against the wall and kept kissing her, his lips traveling down her cheek to her neck where he bit and nibbled at her skin. She moaned, enjoying the twinge of pain.

Kayn spun her around and laid her on the bed, one hand grasping her hair and the other pressed firmly at her hip. His finger tips massaged the dip between her hip bone and her pelvis and Petra  wiggled a bit under his touch. He kissed her neck, down her shoulders, her chest, and just as he was about to remove her bodice the door cracked open and in effort to save them both from embarrassment Kayn leaped back like a school boy who got caught kissing his crush.

Soraka entered with a basket full of berries and greens. She smiled, glancing at Kayn who was foolishly feeling around his cloak to seem as if he were doing something with purpose. Then over to Petra who was laying on the bed nonchalantly pulling at the rag around her wound.

"How did training go?" Soraka eagerly asked.

EDITED 11/21/17

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