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No ones POV

After Youngjae finished the story of being kidnapped at 6 years old and basically being a sex slave the tall boy looked at him like he was a ghost. "You've been missing for 10 years?" The tall boy asked to which Youngjae nodded "yes, look if you don't want to help....i understand I'm nothing really.I just want to find my family and best friend." Youngjae said. "Hey, I'll help but... can you... tell me the name of your best friend?" Youngjae looked confused but complied "His name is Jaebum... Im Jaebum. Why did you want to kn- hey are you okay?" Youngjae said after noticing that the boys eyes glossed over with tears.

"Y- Youngjae??" He asked voice barely a whisper and Youngjae started to get frightened "how did you know my name?" He said as he stood up and backed away from the boy. "No no don't be scared please Youngjae.... its me. Jaebum. It's me. I found you after all these years.... I thought I'd never find you" Youngjae shook his head not believing it yet still backing away although he could now see the face like an older version of his best friend "no.... you can't be- tell me something only he'd know." Youngjae said. "Your favorite color is blue, you hate cucumber, you once pushed me down the stairs as kids for throwing into a pool, and you were taken away in front of my eyes in a black van while I couldn't do anything to save you and for that Youngjae I'm so sorry" Jaebum said now starting to cry as he remembered not being able to help Youngjae.

Youngjae froze as tears glossed his eyes "J-J-Jaebummie hyung?" He asked as he looked at Jaebum in shock. "It's me Youngjae. It's me. You're okay now I promise. You're safe with me. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you before! I'll never leave you again!" Youngjae ran into his arms and cried knowing he would be safe now as long as he had his best friend with him. "Hyung you were only 8 years old at the time...there was no way for you to have helped me against that man... MY FAMILY! Where are they?! Where are we?" He said suddenly remembering his family.

"Youngjae.... you're family.... after a while...they thought you were most likely dead... and moved to America. I stayed here to look for you. I never wanted to give up until I found you... dead or alive. We are in Seoul currently." Jaebum said looking down at his feet and back up to Youngjae once he was finished speaking. Youngjae's mind went from his parents leaving to the part of Jaebum's sentence of looking for him "how did you get so close to where I was hyung? We were kids.... how could you trace the location to here when there was probably no evidence?" Jaebum smiled "remember that promise I made you when we were kids?" Youngjae nodded "All I needed was the little evidence I remembered as a kid and as I got older I could piece things together. after all if the moon didn't have the sun it would be nothing." Youngjae felt himself smile too as they both remembered the promise Jaebum made to Youngjae when he was 5.


'Jaebummie Hyung will never find me in here' 5 year old Youngjae thought as he hid in the closet of his bedroom. Jaebum being 2 years older than Youngjae decided to let the game go on a while to let Youngjae feel like he won, soon he stood on the opposite side of the closet smiling as he opened it. "Found you!" He said "awww hyunggggg how did you find me?" Youngjae said while pouting a little. "Well I'll always find you Youngjae. Think of the moon and sun, they are best friends like us okay?" Jaebum said to which Youngjae nodded showing he understood. "so... I'm the moon and you're the sun! The moon would be nothing without the sun. So I have to always find you! I promise to always find you no matter what choi Youngjae!" Jaebum said as Youngjae laughed and said "Hyung what if I'm reallyyyyyy far how will you find me then huh? Would I win??"

Jaebum smiled "nope. The moon will always find the sun. Alwayyyyyysssss so I'll always find you. I promise!"

                                                                                         ~end of flashback~

"Hyung..... can we leave this place? It's..... what if.... he can find me again." Youngjae says as he looks scared and small again. "Yeah we can but not now..... I need to save money so we can go to your parents. We'll have to wait a little okay? Don't worry you'll be safe with me I promise. No one will ever touch you again Youngjae. I'd rather die than lose my best friend again. I can't lose my sunshine again can I?" Jaebum says as he feels his heart break at how scared Youngjae is, and his blood boils at the thought of anyone else being close to Youngjae besides him. Youngjae feels his cheeks turn hot when Jaebum calls him sunshine and his heart skips a beat as he starts to feel safe and cared for with Jaebum, nut shakes the feelings off.

"Okay hyung I can wait... but please don't leave me alone..... I- I- what if- he can- Hyung I'm scared!" Youngjae cries out falling to the floor curling up into a ball. "No no hey hey Youngjae you're okay. You're safe with me. I'll never leave you again I promise. Why don't we get ready for bed okay? You can go take a shower and I'll find some clothes for you? My clothes might be a little big on you but it's okay." Youngjae looked up at Jaebum and nodded letting him lead him to the shower. "Okay here is a towel and in you go! If you need anything yell for me" Jaebum said leaving Youngjae in the bathroom to shower.

Once Youngjae was done showering he realized he needed clothes and couldn't possibly go out in a towel with his body being so thin. "JAEBUM HYUNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" He yelled and soon heard rapid footsteps and a scared looking Jaebum come crashing through the door. "What what what's wrong?!? Did you fall?! What what what?" Jaebum said panicking a little. Youngjae laughed until he remembered he was naked and blushed while grabbing the towel to cover himself. "Hyung im okay I just need clothes......" he said "ohhhh alright.... I'll be back" Jaebum walked out only to come back a moment later with clothes. "Okay I'll just let you change then..." Jaebum said leaving once again.

Youngjae changed into Jaebum's clothes which were too big on him, which made him look extremely cute and fluffy, and walked out of the bathroom following the sound of what seemed to be Jaebum singing. Youngjae walked in on Jaebum singing while cooking what looked like ramen. "Hyung you sing nice" Youngjae said which caused Jaebum to jump and scream "MY LORD I ALMOST DIED!!!! But uhhh.... thanks Jae" Youngjae blushed at the nickname he hasn't heard since he was a kid. "Are you hungry? You seem hungry.... you are I know it. I made food and you'll eat no matter what!" Jaebum said serving Youngjae ramen. "Thanks hyung."

Once they finished eating Jaebum led Youngjae to an empty room he never used "you can sleep in here... I never really use it.... so...." Jaebum said even though his mi d was screaming at him to ask Youngjae to sleep in the same room as him. "Ah hyung...... I've been alone all these years.... c-can I m-maybe sleep with you?" Youngjae looked down and blushed waiting for a reply. "Of course Jae Jae. Come with me."

They both went into Jaebum's room getting comfortable under the blankets. "H-hyung.... this will sound weird b-but can we m-maybe..... not be apart?" Youngjae asked blushing "sure Jae... I want you to feel safe now." Jaebum said as he cuddled Youngjae to sleep.

Once jaebum was sure Youngjae was asleep he whispered "you're safe with me Youngjae. Now and forever." Before falling into a deep sleep.


YOOO IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS YOU ARE AMAZING!! Honestly this probably sucks 😂 but it gives me something to do so I'll keep writing.... love ya! (If there's anyone actually reading)

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