Chapter 4

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            Of course everything I got were from my travels with my family; mum and I went to the exotic islands while dad taught Ashton how to rule over the sea and with-out a doubt Rhea was there to watch it all happen. I shook out of my thoughts and watched Phoebe look around my room in awe. She was literally shocked to see that I had so many things here after only a few days. I looked at her and smiled awkwardly.

“So... you and your brother are twins eh?” I said trying to make things less awkward.

“Yeah, but I’m older.” Phoebe said looking at my little knick-knacks I had on a shelf next to my snow globes and country pendants.

“Yeah? How’s that working out for you?” I asked her as I picked up the snow globe that held in it a miniature Big Ben that I got from London, England.

“It’s been alright. Except that Max wouldn’t shut up about a girl he hit with a door earlier today in the records office.” Phoebe said as she picked up my Great Britain pendant. I was the girl he hit with a door at the records office.

“Oh really? What did he say?” I asked her trying to not sound intrigued by this new information.

“He said he felt bad, that he hit her with it. Kept saying that he wasn’t watching where he was going and hit her with a door. Trust me, Max never feels bad about doing something terrible to someone.” She said as she set my pendant down.

“Really? He felt bad?” I asked her looking at the pendant that was previously in her hands.

“Yes, and that she practically called him out on it by “yelling” at him.” She replied.

“Did he say anything else? If I may ask?” I asked looking at her.

“He said he thought she was pretty.” She said looking around my room once more before speaking again.

“Oh and he kept asking where you wandered off too.” Phoebe said, “Which is weird because he doesn’t know you much and we just met.”

“Oh that’s cool? I don’t really know how to reply to that. Honestly I don’t.” I replied to her response. I honestly wasn’t expecting her to say that. I was expecting something around the lines of:

‘She’s so hot-tempered’ or ‘What’s her deal, man.’

            But no, he had to say I was pretty. I mean I’m flattered, but I’m not your ideal type of girl that you would want to bring home to your mother. Unless you want a half-fish girl as a daughter-in law, I’m not your typical girl, per say. You should already know by now. I looked at her and then back at my pendants. I took a deep breath and sighed aloud. You can’t keep the secret forever, Lynnie. Not while you live among Humans.’ Ashton’s words kept running through my mind. Over and over and over, I couldn’t handle it so I screamed out loud.

“SHUT IT!” I screamed.

“Oh. I’m sorry did I say something to offend you?” Phoebe said looking at me as a scared emotion came upon her face.

“Oh I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to direct that to you. I’m just-I mean-I-I-I don’t know. I’m sorry I said that.” I said trying to apologise.

“Oh, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” She said still looking around before taking a seat on my clack couch that I had set in my room a few feet away from my bed facing the television.

“Are you sure? I mean, now I feel terrible. I talk to myself sometimes, and honestly I say that most ridiculous things out loud.” I say as I try to hide my embarrassment towards my outburst.

“Yes, don’t worry about it Micah-Lynn.” Phoebe said giving me a genuine smile.

“Thanks, and you can call me Lynn. I don’t mind.” I said, as I feel my guard going down slowly. You know after a while she isn’t such a bad person. She’s a bit pressure-y, but she’s okay.

“Okay then, yeah. You can call me Pheebs if you want; Max and Cherry call me that.” Phoebe replied.

“Alright,” I said as I chuckled at her reply, “Care to go downstairs before they think I murdered you and come searching for your body?” I added.

“What?” She said worried.

“I’m kidding. My family has this thing about me. They say I’m the most intimidating one besides my dad.” I said, “but don’t worry I’m not a serial killer, just a mermaid.” I added.

“A mermaid?” She asked.

“I’m kidding. Come on, mate.” I said as I gave her a pat on the back, led her out of my room and down the stairs to meet everyone down there. I held my hands up as Phoebe and I came into their sight as a sign of defence.

“She’s still alive; I haven’t killed anyone, yet.” I said chuckling.

“Micah-Lynn that’s not funny.” My mum said as she held her cup of tea up to her lips.

“I was only joking. Calm down. No one needs to die here.” I said laughing before giving my mum a peck on the cheek and going over to the kitchen for a cup of rice pudding that my mum made for me last night.

“So Micah-Lynn, how old are you?” Mrs. Thunderman asked me, taking a sip of her tea.

“I’m 16 m’am.” I replied to her question.

“Oh, you’re older than our children; Max and Phoebe.” She pointed out.

“Yes I know m’am.” I said to her.

“You’re so polite. Hank, why aren’t our children as polite as her.” She asked her husband.

“Because we never taught them like she has been taught? And we’re not from the U.K.? Obviously over in the U.K. they are more sophisticated than we are. I mean look at them, they drink tea.” Hank said pointing out our tea habits.

“Sorry, sir. Force of habit, we tend to- how do you say- drink pounds of tea? We’re just so used to drinking tea more often than Americans are. You see, Americans only drink tea when they are sick, they feel obligated to drink it because they believe it will make them feel better. Don’t get me wrong I love tea, but I only drink tea before I go off to bed.” I explain to Mr. Thunderman.

“See that Barb. Tea, and a sophisticated answer. Look at that kids, learn.” Mr. Thunderman said as he pointed at his children then at me.

“Micah” My mum said to me, “Go and get your sister Millie. She should be out of classes by now.”

“Do I take the car?” I asked her as I set my rice pudding on the kitchen counter before walking over to the door.

“Yes. Be safe, drive carefully.” My mum said as she tossed me the keys to the blue Ferrari.

“Can I take Max and Phoebe with me? Just asking.” I asked my mother.

“Umm... sure. If Barb and Hank are alright with that?” My mum said with reluctance and hesitation in her voice as she turned her gaze from me to Max and Phoebe’s parents.

“Oh sure it’s fine go ahead.” Mr. Thunderman said.

“Is she a good driver?” Mrs. Thunderman said with precaution.

“Of course she is! She’s a very good driver. Don’t worry they’re in good hands.” My mother said with a smile on her face and pride over taking her tone of voice.

“Alright kids, go. Be safe. Do whatever Micah tells you.” Mrs. Thunderman said to her children.

“Thank you, mom.” Phoebe said as she kissed her mum on the cheek before walking over to me.

“Yeah thanks.” Max said as he gave them a pat on the shoulder and walked over to Phoebe and I.

“Wow.” I said as I turned around and opened the front door, exiting my home.

“What?” Max said shrugging at my reaction. Phoebe, though, hit him in the back of the head as they followed me out.

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