Chapter 7

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Hello loves, I am sorry about the short chapter. I am not sure if I should update again today or tomorrow but if you (the reader) want another chapter or chapters, leave a comment with the words, "marshmellow babies", don't ask why just do it :p. I would appreciate it if Iget some feedback, because I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job on this story aswell. Well thank you lot for reading this, enjoy the chapter (:x.

Yours Truly,

            -Jordan x


I drove out of the Elementary schools parking lot, and went well on our way to an Ice Cream Parlor that Phoebe said was just a few block away from this school. I stoppped at a stoplight and once I did that, everyone started to talk all at once. What is with them. seriously, it's like the universe doesn't want me to drive peacefully. I've got to have these nutters in my car and talk freely, as if I'm not here. I shook my head at their ridiculousness and began to speak.

"Alright! What is it? What's all your yappin'  bout?" I decided to say.

"Well, you said stuff about my sis-" Max said.

"You have me in the back se-"Ashton said.

"Why does Max get to sit in the fr-" Phoebe said.

"JUJUBEES!" Millie yelled out.

I laughed at Millie's comment because it had absolutely nothing to do with whatever Max, Phoebe, or Ashton had to say. Though I did start to get a little fed by all of their childish behaviour.Everyone was cutting eachother off, not letting them finish up their sentences. How the bloody hell am I supposed to know what their arguing was about if they don't shut it for just one second and let someone else talk first.

"Alright, enough!" I screamed, breathing out heavily after seeing that the light had changed and went straight to the closest curb that I could see, which was infront a really big house, and just parked there.

"Max what is it. Everyone else, shhh!" I said as I looked at everyone else then him.

"You said stuff about my sister. While she was there." Max said turning his head at me, looking really mad.

"I did say I was sorry. I did mean it. I was just really mad at my brother for saying that I've got you following me around like lost guppies trying to find their family, but A. that's not true, and B. That is sooo not how it looks like. They're more like infront of you checking back to see if you're still there or beside you, literally, never leaving your side. And I did ask if you lot could come. I was actually starting to like you both. Though if honesty counts here, I did think that Phoebe was a little, umm off? Like I said, I'm not used to making friends very easily like Phoebe can. Not a socialite here." I said explaining why I blew off like that in front of Phoebe to Max.

"So you didn't mean what you said about her being annoying?" Max asked once more.

"No, I didn't mean it. I was just- how do you say it- in the zone? I don't know. But I didn't mean that I said about her." I said.

"Okay, you're forgiven." Max said as he turned back to staring at the window in front of him.

"Thank you. Now Ashton, you're turn." I said turning around to face him.

"You have me in the back seat. " Ashton said.

"Yes. Is that all Phoebe you're-" I said getting cut off by Ashton.

"I wasn't done. I'm your brother Lynnie, why must you have me caged up back here with them, no offense love." Ashton said as he looked at Phoebe.

"Non taken." She said as she looked at him like a lovesick dolphin.

"Ew." I managed to say without almost vomiting. I heard someone else say that with me, Max. I looked at Max and held back a laugh.

"Brother or not, Ashton. We'll discuss this when we get back." I said to him in a stern tone.

"Okay Phoebe, now you may go. Before Ashton comes in and talks again." I said looking at her then shooting a glare at my brother, earning a laugh from Max.

"Well, why does Max get to sit in the front?" She said somewhat whining it out.

I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it again thinking of her question, "Hmm, I don't know. I'll get back to you on that." I said to her.

"Now Millie, that was nice. That made me laugh, good job little miss. You know, you're starting to be just like your dear old sis here." I said giving my little sister a smile and winking at her.

"Now if thats all, off to the shop!" I said driving away from the curb that I was parked at.

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