Chapter 14

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"Hey Micah wha- wait, are you busy?" Phoebe asked through the other line.

"Kind of- well not really. No. Why?" I replied as I held the phone to me right ear with my right shoulder as I folded away my clothes.

"Okay, do you have anything planned for today?" Phoebe asked curiously.

"Nope, why?" I asked again.

"Good. Come over in about 10 minutes. I have a surprise for you!" Phoebe said sounding extremely excited.

"Oh god, alright. I'll be right down." I said laughing before ending the call.


I knocked on Phoebe's door, looking behind me patiently, and fiddling with my hands. The door opened, but it wasn't Phoebe standing at the door, it was Max. Max opened the door and stood under the door frame, leaning up against it. I looked at him and then looked awkwardly at the ground.

"Why are you here?" He asked rudely.

"Phoebe asked for me to come over. I was just-" I said before I finished my words, he cut me off.

He let out a short grunted sigh and spoke, "Come in."

His fingers slid off the door frame and walked over to the orange sofa that I have come to adore. It was just too cute, the colour orange goes great with the paint the interior of the house is coloured with. He sat down and I stood, again, awkwardly waiting for someone-Phoebe- to come down and save me from the awkward feeling I was getting from Max.

"Take a seat, she won't be long." Max said signaling for me to sit down beside him.

"Thanks." I managed to speak out before sitting down with space for another person to sit between us, as I stared at my hands that were folded on top of my lap.

I inhaled deeply, then released. Waiting, just waiting, for someone, anyone, to come and be my saviour. I looked around, then went back to my hands. Rubbing my nails against each other, I hummed a light tune, the same tune my mother would sing to me when I was as nervous as a yellowtail before a race. I lightly began to sing, massively hushed, so no one could hear, not even Max.

"Take a deep breath, let it all out, soon you'll see it's not that bad to be, just a tad bit nervous. Calm down your breaths, slow down your pulse, don't let your heart rate give you away, take in a breath.- " I lightly sang, but was interrupted by Max speaking.

"What are you singing?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Just a tune my mum would sang to me when I was just a child. It helps me deal with situations like, well, like this." I said honestly.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked, sounding as if he actually cared.

"Yeah. Just a bit. But it's fine. This is better than the time my father made me have a sit down with Cayle, which did not end well.." I said trailing off from my involvement with Cayle.

See what happened was; I threw kelp at him, and the freshly wrapped and cooked Blander-Berry dumplings that Sienna had worked so hard to make in the kitchen, that my father made me go and apologise to him for ruining the night and the 'mood'. Which is odd, because the only mood I was feeling, was complete awkwardness and uncomfortableness. Something my father didn't really care about.

In my defense, Cayle was hitting on Mirianne and Janielle. Both, my cousins, and both not even relatively pretty. I'm not saying that I am this gorgeous sea goddess, but in all honesty, I do look way better than those two idiots.

*Max's P.O.V*

I stared at her, it killed me. It killed me to be so harsh to her, so rude, but I had no choice. I can't be feeling this way, I mustn't feel this way. It's only been a month or so. This thing, it isn't love. It can't be love. I can't be in love with her.

But to just look at her, her beauty is something no girl will ever have. Her skin glows; her cheeks a light red, I've noticed her cheeks turn light red when she's nervous about something; the way she breathes in and out; the way she talks and laughs. Her smile could blind the whole world, so bright and warming. Her eyes, her dark brown eyes, the orbs in which one stares they fall into a peaceful bliss. Her lips, so full and light pink. I could lose myself, and my whole being, with just one kiss from her.

What am I saying?! I'm so invested in this one girl, this one mermaid, this one gorgeous goddess of a girl that should be rightfully mine, and no one else's. She sang her tune, a small little tune, but the way she hummed it, she would sway her head to the beat, I couldn't help but just watch her every movement. No- none of this should be happening. I shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't feel this way, but how could something so wrong, feel so right?

____ ____

There you have it! How did you all like this chapter?! Didn't know Max could be such a romantic, huh? Well comment below what you all though, sorry if it's a bit short, would have been longer, but I typed this all up on my phone just now. I really hope you all like it! Comment, Vote, and follow if you haven't already! (: Thank you for reading, stay beautiful! x


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