Like just girly things but actually funny/cute
Started July 28,2016
Ended (not really)February 21,2018
Edit: holy shit when did this get to 11.4k? Lmao thank you I love you beautiful people
Disclaimer: The following that will be written in this chapter of Just Emo Things is sensitive material please proceed with caution. These are my own personal opinions. I'm not enforcing it into your minds this is just what I have to say about what happened at the Kinky Boots stage door
Hey guys this was supposed to be a fun episode about Twentyøne Piløts and what's happening with them, but then I saw this:
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It literally breaks my heart for all those people that didn't get VIP tickets, because they won't see Brendon or have him sign their playbill. We all know Brendon has anxiety the weed isn't just because he wants to haze. Zack spends 15 minutes making sure that we are safe and that Brendon is safe. He's not saying it just to say it, it has a purpose behind it. The fact that the people in the fandom couldn't control themselves for these last 2 weeks is so rude, and utterly upsetting. For at least the first week I expected it to be really hectic and crazy, but the last two weeks, seriously?
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To whoever the fuck screamed have my babies: Not to shame Sarah (Urie) or her choices or anything. But Brendon legit said he wasn't having kids with Sarah what the fuck made you think he would want to have kids with you. I know it's a little thing we have running in the fandom (or any fandom for that matter) about how we want someone in the band to have our kids, or to marry us, or simply just fuck us, but it's not the best idea to say it to their face. What does that say about you as a person? You're willing to cause someone trouble in their marriage so they can "have your child" no.
Also I agree with Molly (if that's her name) I've gotta be the most surprised that they didn't cancel this little stage door session sooner. When I went and Zack was talking to my mom he was talking about how he has seen a barricade fall and people get hurt, and how he doesn't want that to happen there. Then he preceded to say how he always tells people the precautions and they don't listen. He continued to say that it was a shame that no one is listening because he doesn't want to take that moment away from us but if he has to for the safety of Brendon he will.
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guys go check out brendonurievines and carleelovescats on Instagram I listened to this video it's heartbreaking Brendon is screaming basically at the top of his fucking to stop yelling and explaining how he has anxiety. He shouldn't even be having to fucking explain himself for that. We're all up in the mans grill we know everything about him we can right a biography. He has no reason to be explaining himself to us. For someone that has done so much for us why act like this.
For someone that is anxious you don't go jump on them and scream in there face. You don't point out someone's insecurities if they have low self be honest you shouldn't be doing it at all. You don't hand someone that is suicidal a razor. So what the actual fuck. There are some days where I actually fucking hate the Panic! Fandom and don't want to be apart of it. If I were to do that I'm a way I would be hurting myself. I've made so many friends because of it and it scared my personal mental demons away. That's what music does after all. Anyway I'm getting off topic I just thought I should address this like I do with everything else🙃 I feel like every time something along these lines happen I know less and less about what it means to be a "fan". Fans don't cross your boundaries, they watch out for them and make sure you're fine. Fans don't ignore your needs (stop screaming) and continue to do what they want. Fans don't threaten your wife or write fanfics about how you abuse your real life partner. It's just not right. I'm gonna close this discussion up hopefully nothing else comes up too soon, like people found out where Brendon is staying or some shit.