Chapter 4

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Athena's PoV

Athena: What do you want" ?

Luhan: Help me

Athena: Help you? why whats wrong?

Luhan: not me, baekhyun... Because she likes Gianna

Athena: *looks at Gianna*,hahaha they have the same feelings ....hahaha

Luhan: come with me we will plan about Baekhyun and Gianna

Athena: wait i'll just talk to Gianna

Gianna we will just go out

Gianna: With who?

Athena: non of your business hehe.. bye

Gianna: aistt hahaha

Kai's POV

Sleeping in the couch and someone opened the door and its Luhan and Athena...... AGiAN

Kai: Why are you here?

Athena: why? is there something wrong?

Kai: I'm just asking ,aissttt never mind

Athena: Ok i'm gonna tell you why i'm here because we will make a plan.

Kai: about what?

Athena: about baekhyun and Gianna

luhan: they have the same feelings for each

Athena: But Gianna does'nt know that Baekhyun has a feeling for her

Kai: and baekhyun does'nt know that Gianna have feelings for him? am i right?

Luhan: definitely haha

Kai: ok luhan call the others i know what to do.

Luhan: oh ok

* while luhan is calling the others Kai approach Athena*

Kai: Athena i want to ask you something

Athena: what is it?

Kai:do you have feelings for luhan?

Athena: I dont know why?

Kai: cause i always saw you with luhan ,remember what suho said to us

Athena: Yup i remember why?

Kai: he said that me and luhan will always be at your side but only luhan is at your side why not me

Athena: he said you and luhan not only you or him,why dont you just follow us or hang out with us?

Kai: oh sure you said that ah

*luhan comes out with all of the members*

Luhan: what are you to talking about?

D.O: yeah what are you to talking about,?

Chen: there is something fishy?

Athena: what ? what do tou mean?

Kris: oh i know our maknae is inlove

Kai: me inlove haha .wait what do you mean?

Chen: Oh nothing hahaha..

Kai: ok heres the plan

Kai: ok baekhyun you will act like your dead and when Gianna confess to you,you will woke up and sau i love you and chen and chanyeol will act like your crying and when gianna comes you will leave them two and lay you will be under the bed and you warn as when baekhyun and gianna are official you what i mean...

Athena: good when we will do this

Suho: now

Athena: what!?! now?,but she is not in a goodcondition today

Baekhyun: why what happened?

Athena: cause she call me to live at my house when si arrive she tell all what happened to her,ok i'll tell you the story she said she saw a two figure in her backyard trying to come at her house luckily she has a pocket knife and killed it,maybe the infection in the city is now spreading ,maybe some of the zombie come to our home town!!!

Suho: Athena pack your things and Gianna's thing you two will live here ,just in case the infection are now here you two will stay here.. ok

*athena walks faster to go to their dorm*

Athena: Gianna pack your things we will live at exo's dorm

Gianna: wait what,? what do you mean?

Athena: i'll just tell you when were there ok?

Gianna: ok ok.

exo's POV

xiumin: arhgg where are they?

Kai: just wait ok they will come here

chanyeol: wait why are you shaking kai?

Kai: me shaking ,definitly not

Chanyeol : a i know whats going on here

Chen: tell us plss..s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s

Chanyeol: arghh never mind.. *walks away*

Lay: Whats wrong with him......

*someone opened the door.*

Gianna: helped athena fainted

To be continued"...............

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