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redundant phrases vibrate my mind like the molecules of a solid substance

feet bounce restless legs on the cold floor

repeat words like a broken record until you find a spot on the disk that isn't scratched

flip the cassette over to the b-side, baby

we'll never make the cover

cyanide thoughts drip from sugar coated lips

quick, slather on the paint to hide all the cracks in your skin before they see the real you

hide beneath your superficial exterior

you'll never have good friends again if you don't respond

just leave me be

cuz the writing in the bathroom stalls are more captivating than any lectures you have for me

we have become the very thing our parents steered us away from

surrounding us with 'good role models' and picture perfect values

but we have rejected the tainted communion and spat out the drugged wine

"fuck the system," they say as they adhere to the very rules they preach about defying

we're all just hypocrites in the end

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